Archive for the ‘Transition to Adulthood’ Category

Leaving the Family Home: Opportunities and Obstacles for Autistic Adults

When we think about the future of individuals on the autism spectrum, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Who will help them create their weekly schedule? Where will they work? How will they connect with friends? Who will assume the daily support role once parents can no longer provide...

8 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Autism Diagnosis at 22

At the age of twenty-two, I was diagnosed with high-functioning autism, commonly known as “Asperger’s Syndrome.” On the autism spectrum, high-functioning individuals with autism generally don’t have developmental delays that are common in other parts of the spectrum. High-functioning autism...

Tools for Transitions: Using Self-Management and Technology to Build Independence

Shifts from adolescence to adulthood, from high school to college or career, and from family home to independent living can be challenging for anyone. Many young adults struggle to manage their time appropriately and to make good choices that will help them to meet their long-term goals. Once past...

Accommodations After High School: What Now?

Just getting into college, let alone succeeding there, is stressful for many students and their families. When a student is on the autism spectrum the whole process can seem unmanageable. What do you do when you have what it takes to succeed in higher education, but you struggle with things like...

Gaining Momentum in a Post-Secondary Education Inclusion Program with Innovative Supports

College inclusion programs are continuing to develop for an increasing inflow of graduating high school students with developmental and intellectual disabilities (Paiewonsky, et. al., 2010). At AHRC New York City, higher functioning students on the spectrum are engaging in learning and sociality in...

Awake Challenged, Punctually Challenged, and Underground Thursday Challenged

One of the biggest hurdles that adolescents and young adults on the ASD or LD Spectrum face is having a reversed sleep schedule where they stay awake at night (often playing video games or surfing the internet) and sleeping during the day. This is especially so if students are living independently...

The Changing World of OPWDD Services and Supports

For every parent who watches their child morph into a young adult right in front of their eyes, this transformation is filled with anticipation, uncertainty and limitless challenges. For the parent with a child on the autism spectrum these issues are magnified as they begin to explore the world of...

Paving the Road to Success

There is increasing interest in helping talented individuals on the Autism Spectrum become more fully engaged in the typical world of work, and establish true independence and self-sufficiency. Autism Speaks has promoted a tool kit for employers, adults on the spectrum and their families, to think...

My Journey to Independence

My name is Jay Mikush, and I am 23 years old. When I was first diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) at the age of six, I had many challenges interacting with other children. Over the years, I have learned how to be more social with all sorts of people. I am proud to have been born and...

Walking a Tightrope of Conflicting Expectations

In my two professional roles—as an adjunct professor of English composition at a local community college and as a vocational trainer and curriculum developer for adults with autism—I encounter adults at all levels of job readiness. Many of the students in my English composition classes are...