
Posts Tagged ‘mentor’

Inside Dell Technologies’ Neurodiversity Hiring Program: An Autistic Cybersecurity Analyst’s Success Story

How can a company's neurodiversity hiring program be evaluated? In part, by listening to its participants’ stories. Alex Sobil, Cybersecurity Analyst at Dell Technologies, is a case in point. His is a success story as inspirational as it is indicative of a truly inclusive...

Reverse Inclusion and the Use of Peer Buddies to Teach Social Skills in a Public School Setting

It can be challenging to meet the needs of every student within the public school setting. For many students with autism, their academic needs are best met in a self-contained, special education classroom that utilizes the principles of applied behavior analysis. However, this can be limiting in...

Gaining Momentum in a Post-Secondary Education Inclusion Program with Innovative Supports

College inclusion programs are continuing to develop for an increasing inflow of graduating high school students with developmental and intellectual disabilities (Paiewonsky, et. al., 2010). At AHRC New York City, higher functioning students on the spectrum are engaging in learning and sociality in...

The Power of Dialogue: Small Business and Career Mentoring

As a small business owner and non-profit administrator, I have had exposure to a variety of work experiences. The most difficult experiences ultimately taught me new strategies I didn’t know I needed to learn. For example, in a job interview several years ago, I disclosed my diagnosis of autism....