Posts Tagged ‘happiness’

Promoting Happiness in Autistic Individuals

The traditional approach to autism treatment and support is predominantly concerned with focusing on a person’s challenges, rather than building upon their strengths. Programs and services focus mainly upon eliminating or reducing socially inappropriate behavior, rather than developing practices...

Matching Interests Key to Successful Employment for People with Autism

From my perspective, people with autism need to find ways to get into work that they can enjoy with great happiness. I managed to enjoy working at a childcare center because it was a place that matched my interest in working with children. So maybe if people with autism find jobs that are...

The Importance of Friendship for Youth with Autism: Strategies for Finding Friends

Childhood loneliness has life-long consequences. Children who do not have friends are at higher risk for anxiety and depression as they get older which can lead to life-long mental health and medical problems (Hawkley, L. C., & Cacioppo, J. T., 2010). Even having just one friend can be a...