Posts Tagged ‘intervention’

From Assessment to Intervention: Strategies for Identifying and Monitoring Treatment Progress in ASD

Evidence based treatment and the assessment of treatment effectiveness are dependent upon the collection of data during the evaluation process providing information about symptoms, impairment and abilities in children with ASD. Such an assessment allows for a seamless transition from diagnosis to...

Finding and Evaluating Empirically-Based Interventions

Parents are often overwhelmed with a mountain of information regarding treatments for various symptoms of autism spectrum disorders or their co-morbid disorders. Some publications claim to reverse or even cure autism. Some of these publications and advertisements are well written, logical, based...

Changing the Mindset of Autistic Children and Adolescents

A major focus of our collaboration has been to elaborate upon the concepts of both mindsets and resilience (Brooks and Goldstein, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2012; Goldstein and Brooks, 2005, 2007). We propose that all people possess a set of assumptions about themselves and others that influence their...

Training Peers Improves Social Outcomes for Some Kids with ASD

Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) who attend regular education classes may be more likely to improve their social skills if their typically developing peers are taught how to interact with them than if only the children with ASD are taught such skills. According to a study funded by the...