Posts Tagged ‘technology’

Augmentative Communication: Finding the Real Person “Trapped Inside”

Jerry, a young man with autism, approached two women in the waiting area. He pressed a button on his augmentative communication device and said, “Good morning. It’s nice to meet you.” Thanks to a Nova Chat 7 communication device, Jerry, 22 (note: he turns 23 on 1/22/14), has a voice for...

Autism Speaks Awards iPads to 800 Individuals with Autism – Pilot Study Showed Their Effectiveness on the Communication Skills of Individuals with ASD

On December 9, 2013, Autism Speaks donated iPad 2’s to 800 financially disadvantaged individuals with autism, as well as teachers and social workers who work in the autism community with individuals in need. After the iPad grant application was announced in November, Autism Speaks received...

Technology Opens Doors for College Students on the Spectrum

Individuals with autism spectrum disorders are entering college in increasing numbers (USDOE, 2011). These students may benefit from the many opportunities enjoyed by non-disabled college students, but they may also find college much more challenging. Disability services mandated by ADA such as...

Using Technology to Provide Evidenced-Based Outcome Data to Make Better Decisions

Schools, provider agencies and parents are concerned with looming cuts in special education services.  Schools, provider agencies and parents are looking to become more efficient and effective with their programs. The Devereux School of NY has meet the challenge by partnering with Operant...

Maximize Social Learning by Combining Portable Technologies and Proven Video Modeling Techniques

If you are looking for a way to bridge the social language gap to help kids with ASD, Asperger’s and other learning disabilities achieve success in social situations; interactive video modeling tops my list. This method has research-validated results, and I have seen my own clients grow by leaps...

Scaling Inclusive Practices Through Technology

While the concept of “including” students with disabilities has only recently entered the collective consciousness of educational reformers nationwide, it is far from being a new fad or trend. The Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) component of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act...

Designing Databases That Drive Continuous Improvement for Clients and Organizations

Today’s classrooms are often filled with technology, some not even imagined just a decade ago. Tablet computers loaded with educational or communication software, PC stations, iPods, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices, and Wi-Fi internet service are...

The Pitfalls and Potential of Technology: A Guide for Parents and Professionals

Rapid advances in technology over the past decade have led to an overwhelming number of products put on the market to treat Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The sheer number of products (from computer games to apps to robots!) can be intimidating. Moreover, many product lines make enticing claims...

Building Skills in the Classroom with Smart Tablet Applications

Technology and teaching are becoming increasingly intertwined. Students in the twenty-first century will interact with the world through a technological lens. Technology is changing how and what we learn, allowing students access and directing them to those advancements which will determine future...

One School’s Experience Engaging Students with Autism Through Technology

Educators, clinicians, therapists and other professionals continue to look for new ways of using technology to benefit students with autism. Video modeling to teach social or self-regulation skills, individualized computer-assisted instruction, and augmentative communication devices are widely...