Uniquely Human Podcast #4 – Autism and Quality of Life with Becca Lory Hector

Becca Lory Hector

Episode 4 – Autism at Quality of Life with Becca Lory Hector

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What are the indicators for quality of life for people with autism? How can autistic people build a more self-defined life, starting where they are now? Autistic autism consultant and speaker Becca Lory Hector shares her perspective on improving quality of life, as Barry and Dave discuss the indicators and factors that go into it.

Continue the Discussion

1) In her writings and presentations, Becca has stated that “my autism diagnosis saved my life.” What do you believe she means by this assertion? How does it challenge traditional assumptions about how being diagnosed with autism can only have tragic consequences?

2) Becca also noted that her initial motivation to explore and study mindfulness and self-development was focused on her own needs, but that has changed over time. How has it impacted her quality of life? How has her journey led her to her current mission in helping other people on the spectrum?

3) Barry and Dave spoke of what they have learned from autistic people and from their own experiences as to what contributes to a positive quality of life. What factors strike you as important and similar for both autistic and neurotypical people? How might influences on quality of life differ for autistic people? Which elements are most to you in the way you live your life?

About the Speaker

Becca Lory Hector

Becca Lory Hector

“Autism is the filter through which I experience the world.”

Becca Lory Hector was diagnosed on the autism spectrum as an adult and has since become a dynamic autism advocate, consultant, speaker, and author. With a focus on living an active, positive life, her work includes autism & neurodiversity consulting; public speaking engagements; a monthly newsletter, “Monthly Musings”; a weekly YouTube news show, “Neurodiversity Newsstand,”; and being an Assistant Editor/Feature Writer for Spectrum Women Magazine. Becca has published multiple articles and books about life on the autism spectrum with the goal of spreading acceptance, building understanding, and encouraging self-advocacy.

You can access Becca’s Self-Defined Living course here, and check out her YouTube channel for more content.

About the Uniquely Human Podcast

Uniquely Human Podcast Founders Dave Finch and Dr. Barry Prizant

Hosted by autism scholar and author of Uniquely Human, Dr. Barry Prizant, and autistic humorist and author Dave Finch (The Journal of Best Practices), Uniquely Human: The Podcast expands the conversation on autism and neurodiversity by amplifying the voices of autistic individuals and thought leaders in providing insightful, cutting-edge and practical information about the autistic experience.


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