
Archive for the ‘Spring 2013 Issue’ Category

Helping Children with Social Skills Difficulties: The Benefits of Extended School Year Instruction

While it may feel like we are still trying to dig out from recent winter storms and stay warm, spring time is fast approaching. Over the next several months, parents and special education teams once again will begin to consider children’s needs for the summer and next school year. Many children...

Twin Study Suggests Girls are Protected From Autism Risk

A comparison of autism-like behaviors in nearly 10,000 pairs of fraternal twins suggests that girls are somehow protected from the disorder1. The findings, published 19 February in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, may partly explain why autism is four times more common in boys...

Understanding Unintentional Injury for Children with ASD

Summer is a time for relaxation and fun, however certain skills acquired during the school year can be lost if they are not practiced consistently over the course of the entire year. One of the first things parents should identify, are IEP goals targeted by school staff to be maintained over...

Use Social Apps to Keep Skills Sharp Over the Summer

Summertime can be a welcome break from school for many students, who will cram as much sleeping in and having fun as they can into a few short months before the school year resumes. But the intrinsic break in routine can also spell disaster for some kids on the Autism spectrum or with other social...

Using Summer Vacation to Build College Readiness Skills

Heading to college in the fall? Summer vacation is the perfect opportunity to work on the skills you’ll need to succeed in college. Whether it’s understanding the way your disability affects you, navigating new environments, using an ATM machine, making your own doctor’s appointments, or...