Psychiatric Hospitalization and ASD

Admission to a psychiatric inpatient unit can have varying outcomes for a patient. The success of the admission is determined by the patient’s ability to function after discharge. During the course of treatment, it is important to prepare the patient for life after hospitalization. All members of...

The Importance of Integrative Care: Collaboration Among Therapists, Doctors and Family

Climbing on the playground tower at the Fay J. Lindner Center was a bundle of energy and joy named Joshua. Dressed in swim trunks from his camp day, hair cut short and handsome and a T-shirt covered with Angry Birds stickers, Joshua slid down the pole, gave his mom a quick hug and kiss, and plopped...

Summer Vacation: A Prime Opportunity to Develop Social Skills for the Workplace

For many students, the end of the school year represents a time to relax, celebrate the change of pace, and enjoy leisure time. However, each year, there are many individuals who approach the end of the school year and find that this is a time of transition; a time for entering the unfamiliar world...

Key Elements of Social Skills Groups in Schools

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are characterized by impairments in the domains of social interaction, communication and behavior. For many individuals with ASDs, especially those with Asperger’s Disorder and high functioning autism, social interaction and communication difficulties can have the...

A Practical Guide for Parents of Children with Sensory Processing Difficulties

Having a child diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) necessitates parents to make a host of lifestyle and emotional adjustments. Many of these adjustments are in response to behavioral challenges exhibited by their children due to difficulty appropriately processing sensory information....

Comprehensive Approach to Working with Individuals with Autism

Families and individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders receive an endless bombardment of information pertaining to various therapies and approaches to address their complex needs. Navigating these therapies can be extremely confusing and for many it has become something comparable to a full time...

I Know the Elements of the Periodic Table, But I Can’t Make My Bed

Increased attention has been recently given to the needs of individuals with disabilities who are transitioning from high school, particularly those individuals with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders because of their unique and specific needs. Many individuals with High-Functioning ASDs...

Ask the SLP – You’ve Been Told Your Child Needs Social Skills… Now What?

This article will provide answers to some important questions parents may have after learning that their child would benefit from social skills group therapy.   Question: Why are social skills groups important?   Answer: Social skills groups provide children with the...

Supporting Parents in Their Search for the Whole Picture – A Multidisciplinary Team Approach to Assessments for Individuals with ASD

For many families and caregivers, entry into the world of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) first begins as part of their search for an accurate diagnosis – the answer that can help explain their child’s behavior, strengths, and weaknesses. This “assessment process,” which for some families...

Fostering Successful Social Skill Development in Young Adulthood

A parent recently came to us to ask whether it is important to include social skills goals as part of her son’s high school Individualized Education Plan (IEP). He is a bright young man who has one friend who shares similar interests. He would like to go to college, pursue a professional career,...