Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Autism, Online Offending, and Victimization

Individuals on the autism spectrum are particularly vulnerable to committing online offenses, in many instances unwittingly. They are also victimized by online predators, financial scams, and extremist groups. Consequently, they are increasingly interacting with the criminal justice system as...

The Importance of Community Social Participation for Adults with ASD

Over the past ten years, researchers have been investigating the quality of life and overall functioning of adults with ASD (Orsmond, G.I., et al., 2013; Billstedt, E., et al., 2011; Robertson, S.M., 2010; Renty, J.O. & Roeyers, H., 2006). A consistent finding across these studies is the...

Financial Literacy for ASD College Students

I was having lunch with my daughter, a recent college graduate, and she remarked that in her opinion the main thing today’s college students are unprepared for is managing their finances. She said “No one really teaches us everything we need to know. What we really need are courses on financial...

Finding the Best Fit: Exploring College and Vocational Options

In the last twenty years the growing awareness of autism, the reconceptualization of autism as a spectrum of characteristics, and improved diagnostic techniques have contributed to the increased demand for specialized educational programs in elementary, secondary, and post-secondary educational...

ASD and Internet Crime

In the past few years a disturbing trend has emerged. Increasing numbers of ASD individuals are being arrested and incarcerated for internet crimes involving child pornography and inappropriate contact with minors. As a clinician who specializes in autism spectrum disorders, I have been asked by...