
Posts Tagged ‘employment’

Career Training at Its Best: Roses for Autism

National Labor Statistics as well as a recent National Longitudinal Study (see analysis at show disappointing employment outcomes for individuals with autism. For example, less than half were employed at the time of the study compared to over...

Improving Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Adults with ASD

According to recent data, just 15% of autism spectrum adults have full-time jobs, and 7 years after high school, 1/3 of young ASD adults still have no paid work experience. Many of those who are employed have checkered work careers, going from one job to another with long periods of...

Career Planning for People on the Autism Spectrum

As autistic kids graduate from high school and enter adulthood, parents ask, “What’s next?” Some will go to college, others won’t, but many will want to enter the work force. But what kind of work is the individual suited for? Everyone on the spectrum is different. Deciding on a career...

Lessons Learned – Tackling the Unemployment Crisis for Adults with Asperger’s

Transitioning into adulthood encompasses a wide array of new experiences: The emotional changes involved if an individual is leaving home, the cognitive challenges of navigating how the world operates, the acquisition of independent living skills, and managing new relationships– both romantic and...

The Educated and Jobless

After earning a Bachelor’s degree in political science, Steven* turned his attention toward a job in public policy. He figured that his knowledge of government, interest in research, and 3.8 GPA would make it easy to find an entry-level position. Instead, he discovered a competitive field where...

Important Facts About Adult Autism Employment

We don’t know how many adults in the U.S. have autism. The CDC number most frequently quoted for Autism in the U.S. (1 in 110) is the prevalence rate for the autism diagnosis in 8-year-old children in 2006 (released in 2009). This rate is an average of data from 11 sites across the U.S., with...

Tackling the Unemployment Crisis for Adults with Asperger Syndrome

Those of us who are touched by autism – either personally or professionally – are all too aware of the statistics for this population. In its most recent estimates, the Center for Disease control projects that 1 in 110 individuals in the U.S. are born with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)....

Summer Jobs

For most of us a first summer was a kind of rite of passage. Motivated by making some money and by trying on a more adult role way we were ready to take on the responsibilities of work. Knowing we had to commit ourselves to a set work schedule, to learning and performing unfamiliar tasks, to...