Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Posts Tagged ‘job coaching’

Prospect Meadow Farm: Empowering Autistic Adults Through Vocational Training, Employment, and Community Building

Located in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts, ServiceNet’s Prospect Meadow Farms provides vocational training and employment for more than 100 differently-abled adults aged 22 to 70, 20% of whom are on the autism spectrum. The original farm, located on 11 acres in Hatfield, was...

Lessons I Learned From Job Coaching

Job coaches are professionals who not only support an individual with a disability in a community setting, but also teach skills to help them be ready for future employment. I have two perspectives, that of a person who had a coach and being the coach myself. Back in my secondary school days, I had...

Creating Inclusive Work Environments for Employees with Disabilities

Historically, adults with disabilities have faced high levels of discrimination in the workplace environment. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, or ADA, was enacted in an effort to eradicate discrimination against employees with disabilities while also requiring employers to provide...

Mobilizing to Maintain Continuity of the Yes She Can Training Program

Yes She Can provides a job skills training program for young women with autism and related social and learning disabilities. The program is implemented at Girl AGain boutique where clinical professionals and business managers coach trainees in all aspects of running the business. It has been a...