Posts Tagged ‘loss’

Making Space for Mourning: A Grief Support Session

As the Coordinator of Family and Wellness in the Developmental Disabilities Division at Services for the UnderServed (S:US) and a social worker with extensive experience in providing grief support, I am often requested to administer grief support to people with intellectual/developmental...

Making It Through Loss and Pain When You Have Autism Is a Challenge

I am writing this piece to let any autistic individuals know that, when life throws challenges, you can make it through the pain. You may hurt, feel like your life has turned upside down, and you may feel lost. Taking on painful challenges can make you stronger. Individuals with autism can conquer...

Siblings: Common Concerns and Effective Support Strategies

Like parents of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), siblings experience unique concerns and opportunities. The sibling relationship can easily exceed six decades, and siblings face these issues for even longer than parents. Historically, siblings have had few opportunities to receive...

Displaying Courage, AHRC NYC Staff Support People with I/DD in Group Homes and Remotely with Technology

Months into our response to the COVID-19 epidemic, we have suffered heartbreaking losses and struggled through many challenges. Through it all, our staff’s extraordinary devotion, caring and tireless efforts to support people with disabilities, their families, and each other, has been...