Posts Tagged ‘patience’

Awareness and Acceptance: 10 Things I Wish Everyone Understood About Autism

Twenty years ago, my daughter, Annie, was diagnosed with autism. Throughout our journey, I have learned that not everyone is aware of or fully understands her disorder, and when they see or interact with us, they may not know what to do or say. Annie is now a thriving 22-year-old, and as I...

The Neurodiverse Love Relationship GPS (Gaining Perspective for Success)

Being married for 30 years and not knowing we were a neurodiverse couple until our 29th year of our marriage created a lot of “unintentional” hurt and pain for both of us. Learning we had differently wired brains helped me see our challenges and differences through a new lens, which led to...

Autism Through a Different Lens: A Sibling’s Perspective

In my profession, I often write articles from a parent’s perspective about having an 18-year-old daughter (Annie) with severe autism, and intellectual and developmental disabilities. My overarching goal with these stories is to provide compassion, understanding and hope to families, caregivers...

Tips for Communicating with Your Sibling on the Autism Spectrum

All sibling relationships can be challenging. Communicating with your sibling on the AS (Autism Spectrum) poses particular challenges for both of you. If you find yourself frustrated because you and your sibling are not communicating well, here are some tips that should help you both. The goal is...