Posts Tagged ‘play’

Teaching Play to Children with Autism

Play has been focused on as a pivotal skill for young children, as it is an important context for both cognitive development and social connection. For these reasons, play is a primary focus of instruction for children with developmental delays and disabilities. Pretend play is a social skill that...

Summertime Games and Simple Strategies to Reinforce Social Skills

Summertime is fun time for most children. School routines give way to relaxation, perhaps at summer day or sleep away camp – and there’s no studying. While most typically developing children welcome this, it can become problematic for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). That’s why...

Everyone Can Play – Using Theatre to Promote Developmental Gains

When curtain call begins for my students, the look of pride on their faces is magical. The beaming faces of their parents, though, tell a fuller story. I teach theatre to children and young adults on the autism spectrum, and many times the concept of a full theatrical production seems like an...