Posts Tagged ‘safety’

Keeping Kids with ASD Safe – Understanding the Creep Factor and the Hidden Curriculum

It was Middle School Day at Medieval Times in Lyndhurst, NJ and I was the chaperone for my son’s “self-contained” autism class. Christopher’s entire school went to the show - including the two autism classes. During intermission, I was asked if I could take the eight teenage boys, all on...

The Importance of Community Involvement in Preventing a Wandering Incident

Approximately 48% of children diagnosed with autism have been reported to elope at some point in their lives, frequently from places that are considered the safest environments for them to be in, such as homes and schools. People who elope place themselves in harm’s way and increase their risk of...

Safety in Numbers – Traveling with Students on the Autism Spectrum

Travel with students on the autism spectrum is a fun and rewarding experience provided that planning and forethought are engaged before going on a trip. Domestic local day trips differ from multi-day international excursions. However, some basic tenants pertain to the planning of each kind of trip....

Project Lifesaver – From the Beach to the Police Department

As way of background I am a Police Detective in the New Rochelle Police Department (NY) and President of the New Rochelle PBA. New Rochelle is a 10 square mile city located within Westchester County, NY. Westchester County offers Project Lifesaver to all qualified residents within the County. I...

Interacting Safely with Police: Crucial Skills for Individuals Across the Spectrum

Parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often have a long list of safety concerns, no matter the age of their children. Parents need to focus on creating a secure home environment, preventing wandering and teaching water safety. Yet there is another critical area of need that...

Autism and Safety: It’s Unpredictable

While safety is important to everyone, it is a major concern among many people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as the complex communication, social, sensory and behavioral challenges associated with ASD may place people with this disorder at increased risk of injury or death. Indeed, research...

Searching for an Appropriate and Safe Residential Community

As the adult population with ASD grows and their parents age, the primary concerns of the parents or guardians are: Where will my son or daughter live when I am not here? Where can my adult/child live even in a semi-independent community setting? Who will be responsible for managing the over-sight...

How the AANE Wallet Disclosure Card Turned Around an Unfortunate Situation

K is a 32 year old adult with Asperger Syndrome (AS), has been a member of the Asperger’s Association of New England (AANE) for about eighteen months. He participates in one of our weekly adult discussion/support groups, attended our adult summer conference (“Know Yourself: The Key to a Better...