Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Posts Tagged ‘communication’

Technology: The Silver Bullet in Education for Individuals with Autism

The advent of the iPad and iPhone and a host of other hand-held devices have transformed the way the world gathers, manages and organizes information. One device now encompasses just about everything we need to efficiently execute our lives on professional and personal levels. The same advantages...

Giving Logan a Voice – One Father’s Trailblazing Creation to Help His Son

Logan was born in 1997 and is now aged 18 - what a journey we have all had! He was born 2 years after Maia, his sister, and in the early years developed as we expected him to. He was a very easy baby, sleeping soundly with very little disruption. His motor development was normal and early language...

Understanding Aggressive and Self-Injurious Behavior

When addressing challenging behaviors, specifically when it comes to aggressive behaviors and self-injury, it’s important to understand the reason as to why these behaviors are occurring before determining a solution. The behavior of all living organisms serves specific purposes; and the reason...

Why Emotional Literacy Is So Important

Social and emotional literacy develop over time and need to be nurtured just like any other skill such as math or riding a bike. Unlike math or bike-riding, however, the teaching of emotional literacy is often overlooked. It has been referred to as the “missing piece” of education despite its...

Behavior as Desire for Control in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Occasionally we all need a gentle reminder that autism is not an abstraction floating around in the ether. Autism is real precisely because people experience it, and separate cases of autism spectrum disorders differ so markedly because their subjects are unique individuals with different...

One School’s Experience Engaging Students with Autism Through Technology

Educators, clinicians, therapists and other professionals continue to look for new ways of using technology to benefit students with autism. Video modeling to teach social or self-regulation skills, individualized computer-assisted instruction, and augmentative communication devices are widely...

The Technique of “Twitter Speak” May Create More Effective Communication With Your Teens

“Twitter Speak.” What is it and how will it help communication with your teenager progress more smoothly? If you are a parent who has ever been confronted by your child responding with short, disinterested comments when you attempt having what you believe to be a “regular” conversation, the...

Autism Speaks Awards iPads to 800 Individuals with Autism – Pilot Study Showed Their Effectiveness on the Communication Skills of Individuals with ASD

On December 9, 2013, Autism Speaks donated iPad 2’s to 800 financially disadvantaged individuals with autism, as well as teachers and social workers who work in the autism community with individuals in need. After the iPad grant application was announced in November, Autism Speaks received...

Robots as Co-Therapists in Behavior Therapy for Individuals with ASD

Recent technological advances have opened the possibility of using robots in therapy for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This approach has received a lot of press, but to date most research has focused on developing the robots rather than clinical issues related to the use of...

Maintaining Social Skills Over the Summer

Summer is a time for relaxation and fun, however certain skills acquired during the school year can be lost if they are not practiced consistently over the course of the entire year. One of the first things parents should identify, are IEP goals targeted by school staff to be maintained over...