Summer Offers Opportunity for Skill Development for Children and Young Adults with ASD
Summer can be a perfect time for children and young adults to leave their everyday environments and discover new opportunities for skill development. Yet parents of children and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) often struggle with the idea of immersing their child in a new...
Using Relationships to Support Children with ASD
Working with children, whether as a parent, teacher, or caregiver, is an inherently social process. This is no different when we are talking about children on the autism spectrum. In order to impact children with ASD, the adults in their lives need to employ a set of activities, strategies, and...
Vital Services to Promote Child and Family Resilience
It is common knowledge that having a child with ASD has an impact on the family, and the family has a profound impact on the developing child. Why then are there so few services to support families as they deal with the cumulative challenges they face managing child behavior, family relationships,...
Healthy Relationships and Sexuality for All
It has become commonplace to read about or hear stories about issues related to people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Healthcare, education, mental health and social services offer options for children that did not exist years ago. As these children grow up, their needs change. Older...
Sexuality, the “Double Vulnerability,” and Youth with ASDs
The social deficits of youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) place them at an increased risk of experiencing physical or sexual abuse, neglect or exploitation (Gabriels, 2007). However, these same social impairments can also increase their vulnerability to engaging in inappropriate behavior...