Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Archive for the ‘Sexuality / Sex Education’ Category

Summary of a Systematic Literature Review of Research on Sexuality, Sex Education and Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Individuals diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), currently estimated to occur in one in every 68 births (CDC, 2014), exhibit varying degrees of intellectual ability and social delay. Like other aspects of the diagnosis, typified and challenged by heterogeneity, sexuality is a variable...

Human Sexuality and Relationship Training for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Applied Settings

Development is inevitable. All children will change physically, emotionally, and intellectually. Preparation for these changes can assist in the transition from childhood to adulthood. The goals set in preparing individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for these changes are no different than...

Supporting Sexual Independence for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum

As an individual on the autism spectrum, I have struggled with and achieved many types of independence, such as going to college, living on my own, learning how to cook, and starting my own business. While I did receive varying degrees of assistance with each of these endeavors, sexual independence...

Healthy Sexuality Education for Individuals with Autism

Sexuality is a central component of socialization for all people and can play a major role in an individual’s overall self-identify and quality of life. However, the discussion and promotion of this area of adaptive and social functioning in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is...

The Risky Road to Adult Sexuality: Know the Unanticipated Dangers

Growing up and developing socio-sexual skills and knowledge can be difficult for any adolescent or young adult, but when the individual has Asperger Syndrome (AS), it is not only challenging, but also potentially dangerous and life altering if missteps are made. The very characteristics of AS...

21st Century Sexuality Teaching Resources for Youth with Autism

The twenty first century brought a long-awaited focus to sexuality and ASD. Although a paucity of data still exists regarding sexuality education and ASD (Loftin & Hartlage, 2015), most publications do provide recommendations for the who, what and when components of teaching about sexuality....

Supporting the Social-Sexual Development of People on the Autism Spectrum

Sexuality refers to the total expression of who you are as a human being. Our sexuality begins in the womb and ends at death (Freud, 1986). Everyone is a sexual being, babies, children, teens, adults and the elderly. Sexuality is therefore experienced throughout the developmental lifespan. So why...

Not as Scary as it May Sound: Getting an Early Start to Sexuality Education for Young Children with ASD

After reading the title of this article, you may have taken pause – if so, you are not alone. The idea of providing sexuality education for very young children with ASD is likely to raise questions and may generate uncomfortable feelings; this can be a challenging topic. Despite the difficult...

The Sex Talk

So, we’ve got this guy in middle school now. And he is all sorts of cool. Savvy. Phrases like let’s play have been replaced by let’s hang out.  He makes scrambled egg sandwiches for himself in the morning and wants to walk home from the bus stop alone in the afternoon. There is swagger in...

Sexuality, the “Double Vulnerability,” and Youth with ASDs

The social deficits of youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) place them at an increased risk of experiencing physical or sexual abuse, neglect or exploitation (Gabriels, 2007). However, these same social impairments can also increase their vulnerability to engaging in inappropriate behavior...