Tapping Into Strengths: Empowering Autistic Individuals to Self-Advocate in the Workplace

Up to 85% of autistic individuals with a college degree are unemployed or underemployed (Autism Society). This often is attributed to a variety of factors, including differences in communication and challenges in reading social cues and making eye contact, all of which are an integral part of the...

Neurodiversity Hiring Programs – A Path to Employment?

Standard recruiting and interviewing processes are designed for the ways neurotypical candidates think. Unfortunately, these practices often obscure the talents neurodivergent candidates can bring to an organization. While some autistic individuals do obtain employment through an employer’s...

Corporate Neurodiversity Hiring Programs: Scratching the Surface?

In 2010, neurodiversity hiring program, Integrate Autism Employment Advisors (“Integrate”, originally known as The Asperger Syndrome Training & Employment Partnership), was started to engage Fortune 1000 companies in hiring autistic college graduates. In March 2013, SAP announced that it...