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Posts Tagged ‘Spring 2023 Issue’

Autism Around the World: An Interview with a First Lady with a Degree in Special Education and “Autism Belize”

She doesn’t flinch… “We need money! We need a lot of money. We need a lot of training, and it costs a lot of money…We’re not lost. We’re not this little country that has our heads in the sand. Every time somebody suggests to me ‘Let’s have a Special Education summit!’ It upsets...

Person-Centered Early Intervention Program: A Whole Family Approach

The prevalence of autism is at an all-time high. Today, we all seem to know a parent of a child who has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). According to estimates from the CDC, the rate of autism has more than tripled over the span of two decades: from one in 150 in 2000, to one in...

The Importance of Telediagnostics in ASD Diagnosis and Treatment

The COVID-19 pandemic brought significant challenges and opportunities for psychologists conducting diagnostic evaluations for people with suspected autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While there had been research on telediagnostics for ASD, at the start of the pandemic these procedures had not been...

I Was Finally Diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism, Now What?

I suspected I was on the Autism Spectrum for over 20 years before I finally received a diagnosis. Like many people with high-functioning autism, my autism went unnoticed because I was intelligent enough to succeed in school and my autistic traits were not seen as neurodivergent, but as learning...

Late-Diagnosed Autism and Camouflaging in People Assigned Female at Birth

It is becoming increasingly understood that there are marked differences in autism between genders. This has led to people assigned female at birth (AFAB) to being diagnosed in adolescence or adulthood at a higher rate compared to people assigned male at birth (AMAB) (Wood-Downie et al., 2020). I...

Next Steps After an Autism Diagnosis: Acceptance, Advocacy, and Treatment Options

The road to diagnosis can be long and uncertain. For some, the news of diagnosis brings validation and hope. For others, it can lead to even more uncertainty. In either situation, it is important to seek support and guidance to navigate a path forward. It can be difficult to muddle through all of...

Listening is Key to Supporting Families and Caregivers and Leads to Better Outcomes

Supporting families and caregivers is a lifelong learning process as children and young adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) typically undergo many changes. When providing workshops to families about accessing services, I began to consider the question of how we can support them further, as...