Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Posts Tagged ‘girls and women’

How to Get Unstuck After Receiving an Adult Autism Diagnosis

When I was diagnosed ASD level 1 at age 42 and realized what the staggering number of undiagnosed autistic women my age* must be, my first thought was of all the untapped talent that was out there in the world like misplaced dynamite. There was world-changing potential just waiting to be...

Challenges in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Older Autistic Women

Autism has a unique neurological structure with a wide variety of expressions. This diversity of strengths, challenges, and experiences is why autism is considered a spectrum disorder. It’s also what makes it challenging to diagnose and treat because the myriad of symptoms manifested in any given...

I Was Finally Diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism, Now What?

I suspected I was on the Autism Spectrum for over 20 years before I finally received a diagnosis. Like many people with high-functioning autism, my autism went unnoticed because I was intelligent enough to succeed in school and my autistic traits were not seen as neurodivergent, but as learning...

Social Connections for Women with ASD in Transition: 5 Areas of Importance

Entering into adulthood for women with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) involves a shift in many life systems. When preparing for the change from formal schooling to adulthood, a transition plan and support services are often provided. This is a time when students explore what life will look like as...

Job Skills Are Skills for Life

What we learn at work can often help us in our life, outside of our place of employment, and what we learn during our personal experiences can benefit our performance on the job. Sometimes these transferable job skills and behaviors are referred to as “soft skills.” For example, after an IBM...

The Self in Girls and Women with Autism Spectrum Disorder

“Know thyself” - Socrates A central focus in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) research and clinical practice are core challenges in social reciprocity and social interaction - the interpersonal. The self in ASD - the intrapersonal - has been paid relatively little attention. This article...