Perkins School for the Blind - Pathfinder

Posts Tagged ‘trauma’

I’ll Always Be a Sea Creature

Note: This article has been reprinted with permission. You may view the original article, published on November 28th, 2023, at At swim practice, I would pretend I was a sea creature. And when I got a little older, I’d still...

How to Get Unstuck After Receiving an Adult Autism Diagnosis

When I was diagnosed ASD level 1 at age 42 and realized what the staggering number of undiagnosed autistic women my age* must be, my first thought was of all the untapped talent that was out there in the world like misplaced dynamite. There was world-changing potential just waiting to be...

Addressing Abuse of Children and Adults on the Autism Spectrum

Parents and caregivers who work directly with individuals (children and adults) with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis are in most cases overwhelmed with the impact and difficulties they face in accommodating to the reality they and their child face when learning of the diagnosis. I will not...

Are Autistic Students Traumatized in Schools?

According to a 2017 study, “77% of autistic high school students play a very limited role or no role at all in post-secondary planning compared to 47 % of students with intellectual disabilities and 27% of students with all other disabilities” (Gillespie-Lynch, K. et al., 2017). Why do so...

Implementing Common Sense Practices to Improve the Psychological and Emotional Safety of Autistic Adults in the Workplace

I hired five adults on the autism spectrum. Am I a hero? No. Do I have all of the answers? No. However, after years of actively listening to autistic adults describe their emotional struggles whilst they desperately tried to maintain employment in the traditional workplace, I am committed to taking...