Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Archive for the ‘Advocacy’ Category

The Real Priorities in Advocacy – Keeping the Whole Child, the Whole Family and the Big Picture in Mind

In my observation, an effective Autism Advocate is someone who is often isolated from the rest of the “typical” society because they are the parent of a child with Autism, which is a 25 hour a day job. They become consumed in caring for their child on top of their other life duties such as...

How to Effectively Advocate for Your Child’s Transition with Your School District

Parents of children diagnosed on the autism spectrum are often concerned about their child’s transition from the structured environment of a school-based program to the post-secondary world and all of the hurdles that transition entails. A student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is the...

What Do You Do When Relatives Don’t Believe the Diagnosis and Question Your Parenting?

“Give him time.” “She’s the last child born in the family; everyone does the talking for her.” “Your expectations are too high, every child has his/her own timetable.” “Don’t put him under a microscope. Relax and he will be fine.” “When I had my kids, the world was...

Autism Speaks Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism Tool Kit

In March 2010, Autism Speaks, North America's largest autism science and advocacy organization, launched the Autism Speaks Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism Tool Kit (AS/HFA Tool Kit). The AS/HFA Tool Kit was created specifically to assist families in getting the critical information...

Parent Voices Drove Autism Certification Standards

It was a VERY troubling message” says Paul Andrew, remembering what he heard from a group of autism parents, advocates, and providers about the state of social services for people with autism in 2005. And it moved him to action. As Managing Director of Community Services for the accrediting...

Assisting Parents in the Struggle to Access Science-Based Information and Treatments for their Children with ASD

Families of children who receive a diagnosis of an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are faced with profound challenges, and many feel a tremendous burden (Mulligan, Steel, Macculloch & Nicholas, 2010). The time of diagnosis may represent a pivotal point for both the child and the individuals...

How to Combine Cooperation and Advocacy at Your IEP Meeting

The IEP season is now in “full swing” and parents often wonder how they should conduct themselves at their child’s IEP meeting. It truly is a balancing act to be “cooperative” with your child’s IEP team while also advocating for the educational supports that are appropriate for your...

The Man Who Understood Autism When Nobody Else Did – A Tribute to Leo Kanner

In 1956, my younger son was born. He was about five years old before we finally found a name for the problem he had. We had visited many professionals and asked them to diagnose his condition and tell us what we could do. “There is no name,” most of them said, “and the only thing to do is...

New Autism Charity Hopes to Carve Out Its Niche, Despite Tough Times

Few nonprofit leaders would consider 2009 an ideal time to start up a charity. But Alison Tepper Singer isn’t letting the recession deter her. What she believes is an important gap in autism research can’t wait for the economy to rebound, she says. Ms. Singer created the Autism Science...

Autism Advocacy Groups Join Together for the Advancing Futures For Adults With Autism Initiative

Advancing Futures for Adults with Autism (AFAA), an initiative led by a consortium of leading autism advocacy organizations, today announced the launch of a new web site,, that will provide updates on AFAA's ongoing efforts to improve housing, employment, recreational and social...