A Parent Advocate’s Hard-Fought Journey
Throughout Daniel’s life I have advocated for my intellectually challenged son on the autistic spectrum. My journey began early in Daniel’s life, as the parent of an adopted infant from Peru. I have learned throughout Daniel’s life that advocacy is an art that requires flexibility, networking...
Organizational and Individual Change: The Road to Inclusion
People with disabilities face many documented barriers to full inclusion in society. According to Article 3 of The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, one of the primary barriers is the general public’s attitudes towards people with disabilities. (Merrells,...
Increase Neuro-Inclusive Housing in Your Community: Here’s How!
For most people with autism, housing is not affordable. It is a myth that Medicaid pays for housing (unless the individual lives in an institutional setting). If a person with autism can access Medicaid Long-term Support Services (LTSS) that pays for staff, transportation or programs necessary to...
Basic Guidelines for Choosing an Advocate for Your Child
Working with your school district to ensure your child is receiving an appropriate education can be challenging. Often parents feel they are not equal members of their children’s educational team, and that decisions are not always made with their child’s unique needs in mind. Add the...
How a Sibling Connection Inspired Advocacy and a Career
When I was nine years old, I became an advocate. We were out in public and a woman chastised my mom for being unable to control my younger brother, Joey. My blood started to boil and I was outraged by this woman’s lack of empathy. However, my mom handled the situation with poise and grace,...
With Greta Thunberg in Time’s Spotlight, Those on the Spectrum Seeing “a Profound Moment”
In just several months, Greta Thunberg, 16, has flayed international leaders, electrified climate advocates and served notice that her generation will bring new urgency to saving the planet. Her voice is forceful, her intensity unapologetic and her expressions candid. She’s also on the autism...
Mentors Over White Knights – How to Support Autistic Women for Success
Like many neurotypical girls, I spent a lot of time growing up either reading or watching fairy tales in books or television. What’s peculiar about women on the Autism Spectrum is that our advocates sometimes mimic those white knights in shining armor; Meaning that someone on our care team will...
The First Step in Bullying Prevention Is Normalizing Our Differences
“When I was young, getting through each day wasn’t just hard, it was painful to my soul. In school I was cast aside, manipulated and laughed at. Friendships were made solely based on the bond my classmates would form over their common interest in teasing me. My teachers didn’t understand me,...
An Autism Spectrum News Interview with Temple Grandin
Temple Grandin has been at the forefront of autism awareness for the past 50 years. She has seen autism unfold from an unknown to a much better recognized diagnosis, yet she is keenly aware that gaps in understanding and unfulfilled priorities remain. This issue of Autism Spectrum News is...
Learning the Powerful Language of Inclusion: A Mother’s Journey to Acceptance and Hope
This article on inclusion was developed from three major strands. First, the document’s inception originated from the author’s experience as an early-childhood special educator, a parent, and an administrator working with families. Second, the background came from the writer’s qualitative...