Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Archive for the ‘Spring 2016 Issue’ Category

Building Employability Skills in Persons with ASD through Volunteerism

Much attention is paid to the educational needs of children with autism. Most of the media exposure on autism emphasizes the power of early intervention and the need for specialized instruction at school. While the media, parents and autism organizations have increased awareness, it remains...

Leaving the Family Home: Opportunities and Obstacles for Autistic Adults

When we think about the future of individuals on the autism spectrum, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Who will help them create their weekly schedule? Where will they work? How will they connect with friends? Who will assume the daily support role once parents can no longer provide...

Empowering Young Women with ASD to be Successful in the Workplace

Like their neurotypical peers, young women with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) truly desire to be independent. To seek her potential and independence, most women with autism need to work for money, even if it is for 15 hours a week. Women transitioning from school to adulthood need to stretch,...

Igniting Passion. Actualizing Potential.

Picture an ember – a small glowing spark that with proper care and attention will grow into a warm, radiating fire. Now picture your spark – what gets you up in the morning, what motivates you to keep going, and how do you nurture that spark? For many of us that spark is our work, and it is...

“The Lighter Side of the Spectrum – a Mom’s View” Will He Live on His Own?

Rarely a week goes by when I don’t wonder if my son, Jack, will ever be able to live on his own. I mean, that’s what kids do, right? They keep you up at night and drink all your milk and leave their wet, muddy boots all over the kitchen floor and cost you a bajillion dollars and then, at some...

The Direct Care Collaborative – Two Populations in Crisis: Adults with Severe Autism and Those That Support Them

As most of us who are reading this page know, there is a paradoxical relationship between the increasing numbers of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) entering adulthood every year and the decline in available services. Indeed, the number of adults (22+) with autism is estimated at 200,000,...

Functional Skills Training for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

The acquisition and maintenance of functional skills are among the most important educational targets for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Functional skills are the skills we possess that allow us to take care of ourselves and function independently in our natural environment. For most...

The Crisis of Incompetency

During the past several years you have undoubtedly read about what some have called an “autism crisis” or “autism Tsunami” referring to the increasingly large population of children who are diagnosed with autism that are aging to adulthood. Is this the actual “crisis” we should be...

Support of Coaching to Develop Key Skills that Facilitate Independent Living

Independent living skills, or life skills, are important tools that are needed in order to successfully navigate the world. In the 1990’s, a surge of children were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and are now approaching adulthood (VanBergeijk, E., Klin, A. & Volkmar, F....

Extraordinary Ventures Creates Extraordinary Opportunities

Government is an important employer in our economy, but by far the largest source of jobs is the private sector made up of hundreds of thousands of small, medium and large businesses. But neither government nor private enterprise has done a very good job incorporating the skills and talents of...