Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Archive for the ‘Family, Parents, and Caregivers’ Category

“The Lighter Side of the Spectrum – a Mom’s View” I Know Why He Has Autism

Hi, my name is Carrie Cariello. I am forty-two years old. I am married to a man named Joe and we have five children. Twelve years ago, I gave birth to a baby boy with a neurological disorder called autism. It impacts the way he eats, sleeps, talks, and thinks. He is considered special needs,...

Empowering Parents: Caregiver Support for Youth and Adolescents with ASD

Parents rely on neighbors, friends, family members and other caregivers to provide in-home temporary caregiver support, frequently referred to as “babysitting,” for their children while they attend meetings, run errands, and have some “couple” time away from routine family responsibilities....

“The Lighter Side of the Spectrum – a Mom’s View” The Music Within His Body

There’s something on my mind lately; a knot I’ve been trying to untangle. I thought maybe we could talk about it. Stimming. You know, stimming? The way my 12-year old son Jack jumps and hops and grunts at least, oh, I don’t know, fifty times a day? Stimming is short for self-stimulation,...

Increasing Psychological Flexibility When Parenting a Child with ASD

Parents and caregivers of a child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are presented with extreme challenges and demands. Oftentimes, this begins immediately when the parent notices that their child is displaying developmental delays. Parents commonly experience a great deal of uncertainty,...

Parent Empowerment Among Parents of Children Newly Diagnosed with ASD

Parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often report high levels of parenting stress and low levels of well-being and parenting self-efficacy (Karst & Van Hecke, a). The process of receiving an ASD diagnosis and accessing services can be particularly difficult and...

“The Lighter Side of the Spectrum – a Mom’s View” Because of You

I almost lost my marriage because of you. It was the year my son named Jack was born, and you were born right along with him. At first, we had no idea. He was just a squirming chubby baby who didn’t sleep too well and hated to be swaddled and cried a little more than we expected. Slowly, you...

Employers Supporting Parents Through ABA-based Technology

Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are among the most distressed group and display more affective symptoms when compared with parents of both typically developing children and children with other developmental delays (Estes et al., 2009; Davis & Carter, 2008). Why is this?...

Extending a Helping Hand

As a behavior specialist working in the home with the families of individuals with disabilities there is an exceptional opportunity to identify needs and concerns of not just our direct client, but also the family as a whole. While the primary focus is on the adult or child who needs support, it is...

Keeping It Together When Faced with an Autism Diagnosis

Your child has received an autism diagnosis…now what? Many parents feel as though they are finally able to answer some of the questions they have had regarding their child, but still feel confused, overwhelmed, and frightened about what to do next. Parents are their child’s best advocate and...

The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Launches Endowed Fund to Focus on Lifelong Family Support

The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation, for nearly two decades, has focused its all-volunteer organization’s mission on every aspect of adult life from employment to the arts to health and wellness to residential and recreational endeavors. An integral aspect of the Foundation’s mission has always...