Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Search Results for: first responders

Bitten by the Truth

…still embedded in my inner thigh. When the policeman approached her, she kicked him. He faced her down and handcuffed her. Two emergency responders strapped her into a gurney and…

Leaders of the Autism and Behavioral Health Community to Be Honored at May 12, 2021 Virtual Leadership Awards Reception

…Heroes Fund” focused on relieving the medical debts of healthcare workers and emergency responders like nurses, home health aids, pharmacists, social workers, hospital technicians, the National Guard and others working…

Autism, Epilepsy, and Seizures: How to Recognize the Signs and Administer Basic First Aid

…in detail and how to handle each type. Please share this important information with caregivers, first-responders, and those who work with individuals who have Autism and/or Epilepsy. First Aid for…

Autism, Law Enforcement and Disclosure: Advice from Twenty Years in the Training Room

Advice for the autism community from law enforcement professionals at training sessions over the past twenty years in training facilities throughout the US, Canada and elsewhere is very consistent: accurate…

Improving Interactions Between Police and People with Autism

A man stands among an aisle at a store. He doesn’t talk with anyone or interfere with their shopping, but he’s making the store’s employees uncomfortable, nonetheless. He picks up…

Autism and Law Enforcement: Training, and When to Say No

This article aims to stimulate discussion concerning the balance between teaching individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to trust law enforcement to keep them safe, and the need to interact…

Researchers Explore Virtual Reality to Build Crucial Social and Safety Skills

Those in the autism community are familiar with missed social connections, but misunderstood behaviors have the potential to escalate quickly during interactions with law enforcement. A recent study1 found that…