Posts Tagged ‘New York State’

AHRC NYC’s Memorial Goldfarb Symposium Highlights Court Rulings Overlook Impact on Disability Community

Applying a disability lens to the U.S. Supreme Court decisions makes it clear that recent rulings, including affirmative action, have a significant impact on the community, according to a panel of experts at AHRC New York City’s first Memorial Michael Goldfarb Symposium. “People of color...

New York Vulnerable: A Look at the Governor’s New Mental Health Plan

Gov. Hochul’s new mental health initiative proves that there’s strength in acknowledging vulnerability - but one area of oversight is cause for concern. New York’s last governor may have adopted the motto “New York tough,” but current Governor Kathy Hochul’s new mental health...

New Book Offers Firsthand View of the State of Public Policy for the Field of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in New York

Leaders in intellectual and development disabilities (I/DD) are in the crosswinds of a crisis because of the lack of clarity and predictability about New York State’s timing and direction of managed care. The result of trying to plan for vulnerable persons served is obvious and unacceptable: The...

An Interview with the New York State OASAS, OMH, and OPWDD Commissioners to Address Critical Healthcare Issues

In a rare opportunity, Mental Health News Education, publisher of Autism Spectrum News and Behavioral Health News, has brought together the Commissioners of the NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH), The NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS), and The NYS Office for People with...

Ensuring Equal Access to Employment Opportunities for Adults with Autism Requires Bold Legislative Initiative

In the wake of an unprecedented year, many of us are all keenly aware of the difficulties that can come with finding and keeping a steady, good-paying job. However, for adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or other developmental disability, this already-difficult endeavor can be...

Where Is the Reform Movement in the Field of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in New York State?

All human services are facing twindemics of the Coronavirus and its economic consequences. The losses of staff and people in need of services are tragic. Here is the dilemma: Does even talking about reform in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) make sense in the face...

Medicaid Managed Care Is Essential for Persons With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

In New York State, persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities are one of the last groups of Medicaid recipients to be included in the State’s coverage under Medicaid managed care. Close to 5.8 million of the 6.2 million Medicaid recipients are enrolled in Medicaid managed care. For...

NY State Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara’s Personal Mission of Advocacy on Behalf of New Yorkers with Disabilities

Life is almost never a straight path. If you try to make a plan, you will sometimes head in a direction you never could have imagined. For me, the journey has not been simple, and it is has not always gone as I expected. My parents are both Italian immigrants. They left their homes in...