
Posts Tagged ‘summer 2017 issue’

Addressing the Needs of Under-Resourced Families of Children with Autism

The Autism Intervention Network on Behavioral Health (AIR-B) is a network of researchers whose goal is to improve access to evidenced-based treatments for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in under-resourced communities. The AIR-B network consists of two related studies: Mind the Gap...

Are You Mindful or Is Your Mind Full?

In today’s ever-changing and fast-paced world, the concept of being in the present moment and practicing mindfulness has never been more important. This is especially true as it relates to young adults as they begin navigating the college environment. For those learners who have been diagnosed...

The Important Role of Adult Service Providers in the Transition Process

Transition is broadly considered to be a process or period of change. Transitions can vary in scope on several dimensions such as small to large, quick to prolonged, easy to difficult, and from the perspective of those impacted, minor to life changing. Transitions are an inherent part of life and...

Balancing Health and Safety Issues with Individual Rights in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities

The history of treatment of individuals with developmental disabilities is fraught with violations of personal liberties. In a seminal article, Bannerman, Sherman, and Sheldon outlined the need to respect individual rights in the context of effective treatment (1988). Since that time, service...

Exercise and Dietary Choices: Practical Advice Drawn from a Review of Current Literature

Obesity rates for children in the U.S. have risen significantly over the last decade. Currently one third of all children between the ages of 2 and 19 years in the general population are described as overweight or obese (Curtin, Jojic, & Bandini, 2014). Drawing from data provided in the...

Integrated Healthcare and Autism Spectrum Disorders

For families with a loved one diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), navigating the health care system and accessing services can be a significant challenge. In fact, a 2009-2010 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs examining the relationship between a child’s...

Healthy Weight Management for Youth on the Autism Spectrum: What We Know and How to Help

With obesity a growing epidemic in the United States, much attention has been placed on weight loss and healthy weight management. Unfortunately, research has shown that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are at an increased risk of struggling to maintain a healthy weight (Tyler,...

“The Lighter Side of the Spectrum – a Mom’s View” – Did You Know?

You may not know this, but a couple of months ago I un-friended you on Facebook. I mean, we weren’t exactly friends in the regular sense. We never met for coffee or talked on the phone or texted each other. We don’t even live in the same state, and I haven’t seen you in over ten...

Tools for Successful Healthcare Transition

Transition from adolescence to adulthood affects many areas of life including health, education and training, employment, living situation, and possibly guardianship. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) presents unique diagnostic and medical management challenges throughout a person’s lifespan. As...

Three Expert Tips for Realizing Your Wellness Goals

When we don’t feel well, it seeps into every aspect of our lives. Lethargy, a poor attitude, inertia, and even maladaptive coping mechanisms can be common signs that we aren’t operating optimally. Although social skills and career skills hog much of the limelight as important areas of function...