Posts Tagged ‘transition’

The Transition into Adulthood: Guiding Families Toward Successful Outcomes

One of the favorite things in my role as Director of Admissions and Family Services at Melmark is talking with parents about their children and helping families maneuver the complicated web of supports available to them. One of the most challenging parts, however, is helping families understand how...

Motivational Interviewing – A Useful Approach for Families and Counselors Planning for Post-Secondary Transition

Motivational interviewing is a counseling approach which was originally developed to work with substance abusers to assess and facilitate readiness for treatment. Its principles and techniques have been proven effective when dealing with people who are ambivalent about change. Motivational...

Transition from Middle School to High School – Valuable Advice from a High School Senior with Asperger Syndrome

The hallways are crowded. Lockers are lined with chatty students and the cafeteria is serving what may or may not be food. Where will you fit in? The homework is demanding. Your teachers have high expectations and you may be unsure about how to meet them. Would they understand? As you’ve heard,...

The Road to Adulthood

Transition from school to the adult world is exhilarating for some, terrifying for others. Some families have described it “like falling off a cliff and never knowing when we will hit the bottom or climb back to the precipice.” This time is well-described by the hundreds of families who worry...

Parental Stress and Family Relationships During the Transition to Adulthood

Previous research has found that parents of children with ASD across different age groups exhibit significant levels of stress and are at greater risk for mental illness. The stress exhibited by parents of children with ASD has been found to be even greater than parents of children with other...

The Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit – A Guide to Assist Families on the Journey from Adolescence to Adulthood

In an effort to help families and their adolescents with autism more smoothly navigate the challenging transition into adulthood, Autism Speaks, the world’s leading autism science and advocacy organization, launched in February 2010 the Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit, a unique guide and...

Leaving School Behind – Next Stop, Adulthood

The prospect of adulthood is particularly complex for individuals affected by developmental disability, their families, and the people who care about them. Like their peers, they have accumulated two decades’ worth of experiences, their bodies have matured, and they are considered to be...

How to Effectively Advocate for Your Child’s Transition with Your School District

Parents of children diagnosed on the autism spectrum are often concerned about their child’s transition from the structured environment of a school-based program to the post-secondary world and all of the hurdles that transition entails. A student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is the...

From Hopeful Graduation to Hopelessness – The Transition That Many Parents Face

Recent updates by Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that 36,500 children out of the 4 million born in the United States will have an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. An individual with ASD will require care and services for up to 50 years, according to CDC, at a cost...

Comprehensive Transition and Post-Secondary Programs – An Emerging Model for Transitioning Individuals with ASDs to Adulthood

For many higher functioning individuals on the autism spectrum and their families, the road to independence and adulthood can be very puzzling. Although the student may possess the intellectual ability and be “otherwise qualified” to attend college or post-secondary vocational training, their...