Posts Tagged ‘women and girls’

A Support Group for Parents of Tween Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder

The gender imbalance among those diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is 4 to 1 boys to girls. When considering those diagnosed with ASD without intellectual disability, the imbalance is even greater - 7:1 (Skuse & Mandy 2015). One consequence of this gender imbalance is that parents...

“Give a Spit” to Help Scientists Uncover the “Female Protective Effect” for Autism

For years, we’ve known that four times as many boys as girls are diagnosed with autism. More recently, genetic research has surprisingly shown that the various genes that cause autism are equally distributed in boys and girls. So what explains this difference - why do some girls who have the...

The Challenges of Adolescence for Females with ASDs

Approaching adolescence can be a challenging time for many individuals. The challenges are certainly different for each gender and females with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may experience these challenges in a unique way compared to their neurotypical peers. The uncertainty of the physical...

How Gender Differences Influence the Needs of Girls on the Autism Spectrum

I have often argued – and will never tire of arguing – that people on the autism spectrum are human first, rather than primarily autistic. Being human means many things, but we shouldn’t forget one of its most fundamental aspects: Relating to the surrounding world through our bodies, wherein...

The Social Needs of Women on the Autism Spectrum

Current research on adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) without intellectual disability suggests that outcomes for adult women with ASD are especially poor relative to those of men (Taylor, Henninger, & Mailick, 2015). These findings stand in sharp contrast to recent findings that women...

“Labels Do Not Describe Me” Gender Identity Among Women on the Autism Spectrum

A large number of women with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are currently undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. In the United States, for every four males diagnosed with ASD, only one female is diagnosed (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). While there is likely to be a true sex difference in...

The Unique Needs of Women and Girls with Autism

My own experience perhaps gives an insight into the repeatedly similar tales I hear from other autistic women and parents of girls. I came to the field of autism via employment in education and then as Training Manager of a specialist Asperger mentoring project for young people. By this point,...

How Autism Manifests Differently in Girls: What Families Need to Know

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2010 The Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network released data that showed “ASD prevalence…was 4–5 times higher among boys than girls” (

The Initiative for Girls and Women with Autism Spectrum Disorders at Yale

In the summer of 2013, a program for building relationships and promoting community for teenage girls and women with autism spectrum disorders began at the Yale Child Study Center, supported by a gift from Jim and Marilyn Simons. The initiative was conceptualized as a means of bringing together...

Women at Work

When I founded Yes She Can in November 2013 I created the motto: Women with Autism. We work. With you. It was my vision that with proper training and support, women with autism could and should join the competitive workforce and work side by side with neuro-typical peers, whether it were shelving...