Behavioral Treatment Components to Address Delayed or Denied Reinforcement
The introduction of delayed or denied reinforcement has been an important part of the behavioral literature and clinical treatment practice since the use of functional analysis and assessment procedures and function-based interventions became best practice (Hagopian, Boelter, & Jarmolowicz,...
Assessing If a Diagnosis is Necessary: Clinical Utility of an Autism Diagnosis Across the Lifespan
Family members of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) often have mixed feelings about labeling their loved ones with the term autism as this represents a life-long disability. They may be concerned about stigma, fearing that others will avoid, judge, or exclude their family member with...
Post-Secondary Employment for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
The transition to adulthood represents a particularly vulnerable time for youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), as the entitlements of the children’s service system end and families encounter fragmented systems of care (Friedman, Warfield, & Parish, 2013). Post-secondary transition can...
An Accurate Assessment is the Foundation of Your Child’s Future
Whether it is your child’s first IEP or their last, you need an accurate assessment to develop IEP goals. But assessments for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have just not been available for all that long. Child Study Teams are often challenged with traditional standardized...
Integrating Evidence-Based Models to Educate Adolescents with Autism
Educating adolescents with autism spectrum disorder require specialized programming that takes into account their complex learning characteristics. While certain practices have been shown to be effective in educating students on the spectrum; historically, the field has been vulnerable to claims of...