Posts Tagged ‘data collection’

Managing Feeding and Toileting Challenges in Children with Autism

Challenges with toilet training (e.g., frequent accidents, withholding urine or feces) and eating (e.g., food selectivity, getting sufficient nutritional intake) may have a significant impact on the child’s functioning in the home, school, community, and social events. These issues often impact...

Breaking Down Barriers: A Guide to Autism Diagnosis with NODA Telehealth

If you are the parent or guardian of a child on the autism spectrum, you know firsthand how frustrating and time-consuming it can be to get a diagnostic assessment for your child. The process often involves long wait times, multiple in-person appointments, and a lot of uncertainty. Thanks to recent...

Rates of Autism Increase, But Numbers Don’t Paint the Full Picture

Headlines over the past 20 years have signaled ever-increasing recognition of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Now, in a new article published in Autism, our team describes our own estimates of how many children across Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s (CHOP) Primary Care Network have been...

Identifying Why Challenging Behavior Occurs: Tips for Prevention

Children with autism often display higher rates of challenging behaviors, including non-compliance, aggression, self-injurious behavior, and socially inappropriate behavior such as disrobing in public, when compared to typically developing peers (Holden & Gitlesen, 2006). It can be difficult...

Values-Based Behavior Planning – Responding to Challenging Behaviors for Individuals with Complex Profiles via Comprehensive Planning

Though a small percentage, some individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities can display dangerous challenging behaviors such as high intensity aggression or self-injury. While the field of applied behavior analysis has made great strides in the assessment and treatment of...

Use of a Specialized PBIS Framework to Organize and Deliver Evidence-Based Practices to Children with Autism

A significant challenge facing autism service providers is the effective and consistent delivery of evidence-based practices to the children they serve. A number of research reviews, including the National Standards Project (Rue, Knox, Welchons, Murzycki, Pollack, & Class, 2015) and the...

What to Expect When Expecting a Functional Behavior Assessment

In 1994, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandated the use of Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) under certain conditions for special education students. Today, FBA is used to set the foundation for treatment of challenging behaviors in schools, homes, group homes for adults...