Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Posts Tagged ‘empowerment’

The Neurodiverse Connections of the Harry Potter World

J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books and the film saga have received widespread acclaim from millions of fans around the world, as the magical world of Hogwarts not only captured the imagination of a generation of young readers but has also inspired many activists who found parallels between the...

We Are All on the Same Side: Unite the Spectrum

We are writing to explain why we do not need more labels to describe autism. We, the authors, became acquainted with each other in 1996 through a common mentor, Stanley Klein, the editor of Exceptional Parent Magazine, when we each published our first books: Beyond the Wall: Personal Experiences...

Autism Advocacy: Inclusion, Empowerment, and Human Rights

“Autism isn’t this strange alien thing, it’s just a different way of thinking and experiencing the world. Some of us will find ourselves more or less compatible with modern living than others, we will all have different needs…but autism is not terrifying or awful, nor is it marvellous and...

Steps to Empower Families to Access Early Intervention

In my six years as Autism Resource Specialist in the Center for Children with Special Needs at Floating Hospital for Children in Tufts Medical Center in Boston, I have met with hundreds of families in the moments after their young child receives an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis. Although...