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Archive for the ‘Relationships’ Category

A Brief Guide to Discussing Intimacy and Sex in Neurodiverse Couples Therapy

Intimacy and sex are healthy, natural aspects of human relationships. Yet, this topic is often unaddressed by both therapists and couples seeking support. While differences and challenges related to intimate connections are not unique to neurodiverse couples, there are core areas of neurodiversity...

Neurodiverse Couples: Making Meaningful Moments of Every Day – Having a Good Morning

Many neurodiverse couples struggle with emotional connection and intimate communication. They yearn for a romantic touch, a knowing glance, a kind gesture to make them feel close. These little things make a big difference in an intimate relationship. And when these small connecting moments do not...

The Neurodiverse Love Relationship GPS (Gaining Perspective for Success)

Being married for 30 years and not knowing we were a neurodiverse couple until our 29th year of our marriage created a lot of “unintentional” hurt and pain for both of us. Learning we had differently wired brains helped me see our challenges and differences through a new lens, which led to...

What My Autism Has Taught Me About Dating and Relationships

I was diagnosed as autistic in my late forties, after a counsellor first suggested I might be autistic. Discovering I am autistic has helped me make sense of almost every aspect of my life, including my long-running unsatisfactory history of dating and relationships, up until the point I met my...

Why Autistic Children Struggle with Developing Friendships

What makes it difficult for children with autism to develop friendships? Children with autism often struggle with social skills and attendant social cues. This includes both conveying and interpreting social cues. Social cues are the form of communication individuals develop and utilize to assess...

Tips for Parents and Teachers to Support Autistic Children in Developing and Maintaining Friendships

Friendships play an important role in the lives of children and teenagers. These relationships help with childhood social and emotional development in many ways, including: managing emotions, responding to the feelings of others, listening, problem solving, navigating conflicts, sharing and...

Marriage Proposal Carries Consequences

Jayson Valles recalls the first time he saw Cecilia Primera. That was 12 years ago during AHRC New York City’s Sunday Trip program for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. He knew immediately that Cecilia was different than other women. He introduced himself to her and...

Recognizing and Understanding Neurodiversity in Couples

Many couples come to the realization they are in a neurodiverse relationship decades into their relationship, after listening to a podcast, reading a book, or watching a movie that includes an autistic character. But recognizing neurodiversity is just the beginning... Then what? How does...

Tips for Women in Relationships with Partners on the Autism Spectrum

It is a challenge for most couples to find a balance between their needs and expectations and their partner’s needs and expectations. In a relationship where one individual is on the autism spectrum, there are likely many more opportunities for misunderstandings and frustration. Finding a path to...

Dating and Relationships: A Perennial Challenge for Many Autistics

This is one area about which, like so many on the autism spectrum, I can hardly be considered an expert. Nevertheless, because of its importance to so many in the autistic community, I feel the need to share what little I have learned on the basis of meeting and talking to others who have faced...