Proof Positive - International Day of Happiness is March 20th, 2025

Posts Tagged ‘Behavioral Intervention’

A Guide to Implement Video Self-Modeling to Teach a Variety of Skills

Albert Bandura’s social learning theory (1977) emphasized the importance of observing, modeling, and imitating the behavior of others for learning. This theory has inspired the development of many strategies for learning, including video modeling (VM) interventions. VM interventions involve...

Use of a Specialized PBIS Framework to Organize and Deliver Evidence-Based Practices to Children with Autism

A significant challenge facing autism service providers is the effective and consistent delivery of evidence-based practices to the children they serve. A number of research reviews, including the National Standards Project (Rue, Knox, Welchons, Murzycki, Pollack, & Class, 2015) and the...

Early and Intensive Behavioral Intervention Today

In the 1970s, O. Ivar Lovaas embarked on research that would change the way we think about trajectories for young children with autism. He went on to publish a pivotal study entitled “Behavioral Treatment and Normal Education and Intellectual Functioning in Young Autistic Children,” which...

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: An Effective Approach for Schools to Prevent and Manage Challenging Behaviors

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) was developed in the 1980s as a data based behavioral intervention for students with behavioral disorders (BD). Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based approach which incorporates behavioral and academics...