Posts Tagged ‘trust’

Parent Involvement as a Metric of Quality Care

A family-centered approach has been considered best practice for many years in early intervention and pediatric rehabilitation (Bailey, Buysse, Edmondson, 1992; Baird & Peterson, 1997). For students with complex medical, physical, developmental, and behavioral challenges, a family-centered...

Teamwork: Building A Successful Neurodivergent-Neurotypical Marriage

As I sit down to write this, my husband and I just celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary. We met through a mutual friend - an ex-boyfriend of mine. Joseph and I had gone our separate ways a few months before I received a phone call from “Caper” (his chosen “call sign”). I was surprised by...

A Brief Guide to Discussing Intimacy and Sex in Neurodiverse Couples Therapy

Intimacy and sex are healthy, natural aspects of human relationships. Yet, this topic is often unaddressed by both therapists and couples seeking support. While differences and challenges related to intimate connections are not unique to neurodiverse couples, there are core areas of neurodiversity...

The Neurodiverse Love Relationship GPS (Gaining Perspective for Success)

Being married for 30 years and not knowing we were a neurodiverse couple until our 29th year of our marriage created a lot of “unintentional” hurt and pain for both of us. Learning we had differently wired brains helped me see our challenges and differences through a new lens, which led to...

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Comorbidity: A Systematic Approach to Treatment

Comorbidity refers to the presence of one or more mental or physical conditions that coincide with a primary mental or physical condition (Al-Beltagi, 2021). Research has shown that 70% of autistic children meet the criteria for one comorbid disorder and 40% meet the criteria for two or more...

Implementing Common Sense Practices to Improve the Psychological and Emotional Safety of Autistic Adults in the Workplace

I hired five adults on the autism spectrum. Am I a hero? No. Do I have all of the answers? No. However, after years of actively listening to autistic adults describe their emotional struggles whilst they desperately tried to maintain employment in the traditional workplace, I am committed to taking...

Improving Interactions Between Police and People with Autism

A man stands among an aisle at a store. He doesn’t talk with anyone or interfere with their shopping, but he’s making the store’s employees uncomfortable, nonetheless. He picks up a product from the shelf, examines it closely, and returns it to its original place. He repeats the process again...

Uniquely Human Podcast #10 – Autism and Building Trust: Proven Steps for Building Trust

Episode 10 - Autism and Building Trust: Proven Steps for Building Trust Overview Barry and Dave discuss the process of building trust between autistic and neurotypical people. Barry shares 8 proven strategies to help clinicians, educators, and other professionals earn a trusting...