
Archive for the ‘Assessment and Diagnosis’ Category

Parent Education Program for Families of Children with Newly Diagnosed Autism

The proliferation of misinformation related to autism spectrum disorder has been an issue for decades and one that capitalizes on the vulnerabilities of the population at which it is targeted (Capuano & Killu, 2020). The most infamous example of the harm that misinformation in the autism...

The Importance of Telediagnostics in ASD Diagnosis and Treatment

The COVID-19 pandemic brought significant challenges and opportunities for psychologists conducting diagnostic evaluations for people with suspected autism spectrum disorder (ASD). While there had been research on telediagnostics for ASD, at the start of the pandemic these procedures had not been...

I Was Finally Diagnosed with High-Functioning Autism, Now What?

I suspected I was on the Autism Spectrum for over 20 years before I finally received a diagnosis. Like many people with high-functioning autism, my autism went unnoticed because I was intelligent enough to succeed in school and my autistic traits were not seen as neurodivergent, but as learning...

Late-Diagnosed Autism and Camouflaging in People Assigned Female at Birth

It is becoming increasingly understood that there are marked differences in autism between genders. This has led to people assigned female at birth (AFAB) to being diagnosed in adolescence or adulthood at a higher rate compared to people assigned male at birth (AMAB) (Wood-Downie et al., 2020). I...

Next Steps After an Autism Diagnosis: Acceptance, Advocacy, and Treatment Options

The road to diagnosis can be long and uncertain. For some, the news of diagnosis brings validation and hope. For others, it can lead to even more uncertainty. In either situation, it is important to seek support and guidance to navigate a path forward. It can be difficult to muddle through all of...

The Critical Need for Tracing Individual Trajectories After an Early Diagnosis of Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (here forward referred to autism) is more commonly recognized at early ages (Zwaigenbaum, Bauman, Choueiri, et al., 2015). This has led to increased access to early intervention and special educational supports, which in turn provide opportunities to better long-term...

Presentation of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Females: Diagnostic Complexities and Implications for Clinicians

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by pervasive deficits in social communication and patterns of restricted, repetitive, stereotyped behaviors and interests (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Beyond the main diagnostic criteria, however, there is...

Considerations in Diagnostic Assessment of Females for Autism Spectrum Disorder

The literature suggests that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may go undiagnosed in females who do not have intellectual and/or language impairment (e.g., Mandy et al, 2012). Research on differences in ASD symptom presentation in females versus males is not yet well-developed and findings across...

An Accurate Assessment is the Foundation of Your Child’s Future

Whether it is your child’s first IEP or their last, you need an accurate assessment to develop IEP goals. But assessments for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have just not been available for all that long. Child Study Teams are often challenged with traditional standardized...

Evaluation and Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a generally life-long neurodevelomental disorder characterized by impairments in social communication and social interaction and the presence of restricted and repetitive behavior. There is significant heterogeneity among individuals with ASD, and symptoms of ASD...