Perkins School for the Blind - Pathfinder

Archive for the ‘Co-Occurring Conditions’ Category

Pulling It All Together: How to Create a Multidisciplinary Team for Your Child With Autism

When families receive an autism diagnosis for their child, they may not realize they are also likely receiving a diagnosis for other medical and behavioral health conditions that have not yet been identified. Autism is a chronic condition that requires ongoing treatment and support. Certain...

ECHO Autism for Mental Health Clinicians: Creating Access to Specialized Care in Local Communities

The growing population of individuals on the autism spectrum who have co-occurring mental health conditions necessitates a workforce of mental health professionals who are competent and confident in working with these individuals. Unfortunately, the current research depicts a large gap between that...

Understanding Insurance Coverage for Autism and Co-Occurring Visual Impairment

According to Petretto et al. (2023), “…autism could currently be considered one of the most commonly reported co-existing developmental disorders in children with blindness or other severe visual impairment.” The etiology, or the biological cause of the blindness, was directly correlated with...

The Silent Roadblock: Understanding the Ripple Effects of Feeding Difficulties on the Spectrum

While it’s widely documented that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects social interaction, communication, and behavior, there is a less spotlighted, yet pivotal, piece to these neurodivergent children: feeding difficulties. It’s estimated that up to 80% of autistic children have some form of...

Helping Youth with Autism and Co-Occurring Low Vision and Blindness

The prevalence of autism has been increasing over the years. The CDC estimates that 1 out of every 44 children has an autism spectrum condition (CDC, 2021). It has changed from a low-incidence disability (i.e., 1 in 10,000) to a more common one. Blindness, on the other hand, is currently considered...

Is It Genetic? My 40-Year Journey of Misdiagnoses for My Son

Forty years ago, my son Matthew was born. At the time of his birth, he had no apparent health issues. We began noticing that he wasn’t developing like a neuro-typical child when he wasn’t hitting milestones like rolling over. Since then, we have gone through countless tests and been given...

A World Without Emotions: Alexithymia and Autism

Before we delve into defining alexithymia and autism I’d like to paint a picture in your mind. Imagine living in a world where emotions do not appear to exist - no clear indications of anger, sadness, or happiness. So much so that even categorizing these emotions does not exist - a neutral...

Evaluating and Treating Restrictive Eating in Children with Autism

Picky eating is common for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Autistic individuals often show atypical eating patterns and have more difficulty with mealtime behaviors in comparison to their non-autistic peers (Christensen et al., 2019; Mayes & Zickgraf, 2019; Sharp et al., 2013)....

Understanding, Diagnosing, and Treating Catatonia in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Catatonia is a distinct cluster of mood, motor, vocal and affective disorders once thought to be solely a specifier for various psychotic and mood disorders. It is now recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition; DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association,...

Autism, Epilepsy, and Seizures: How to Recognize the Signs and Administer Basic First Aid

The purpose of this information is to offer general information on Autism and Epilepsy and the co-condition as well as the types of seizures and basic first aid recommended by the Epilepsy Foundation. This information is taken from Seizure Recognition and First Aid, a publication of the Epilepsy...