Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Posts Tagged ‘parent training’

Supporting Children with Intellectual Disabilities/Autism in a Residential Treatment Facility

It is important for children with autism and intellectual disabilities to remain living at home, or in the least restrictive environment with appropriate supports, whenever possible. However, at times, a child’s challenging behaviors can pose such a significant threat to themselves or others, it...

Home-Based Services as a Means to Increasing Community Engagement in Individuals with Autism

Community engagement is a broad term that is informed by an ecological perspective that one’s behavior is impacted by larger social, cultural and physical environments. Community engagement has been defined as “the process of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated...

Three Expert Tips for Realizing Your Wellness Goals

When we don’t feel well, it seeps into every aspect of our lives. Lethargy, a poor attitude, inertia, and even maladaptive coping mechanisms can be common signs that we aren’t operating optimally. Although social skills and career skills hog much of the limelight as important areas of function...

Parent and Adolescent Outcomes Following Participation in the PEERS© Program

As youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) navigate the complex social world of adolescence, they frequently have difficulty forming and maintaining friendships. Past research indicates that adolescents with ASD report lower quality friendships than their typically-developing peers (Bauminger...

Employers Supporting Parents Through ABA-based Technology

Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are among the most distressed group and display more affective symptoms when compared with parents of both typically developing children and children with other developmental delays (Estes et al., 2009; Davis & Carter, 2008). Why is this?...

Beyond Academics: The Importance of Executive Functioning Skill Development

Children diagnosed with ASD are known to present with a range of executive functioning needs. While educators and special education teams work to implement accommodations, modifications and supports to provide students with ASD what they need to access their education and surrounding environment,...