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Posts Tagged ‘parenting’

An Interview with Elaine Hall, Founder of “The Miracle Project” and Mother of a Non-Speaking Autistic Adult, On the Concept of “Profound Autism”

This interview article was originally published on the Neurodiversity Press Blog and has been republished with permission.  Michael John Carley: Elaine, tell me about your son, Neal. Elaine Hall: Neal Katz is a 28-year-old autistic multi-modality communicator who uses gestures,...

How to Advocate for Your Nonspeaking or Minimally Verbal Child or Adult

Over the last decade, there has been an increase in autistic self-advocates coming into the public eye through their incredible means to advocate for themselves - and others like them. These individuals have become a powerful voice for boards, committees, research and quality improvement...

Webinar: Preparing for Puberty in Children with Autism

In this recorded webinar, Cora Taylor, PhD, discusses puberty in individuals with special developmental needs, including: Helping children understand and prepare for body changes associated with puberty Encouraging good hygiene Understanding public/private behaviors Handling issues...

Why Autistic Children Struggle with Developing Friendships

What makes it difficult for children with autism to develop friendships? Children with autism often struggle with social skills and attendant social cues. This includes both conveying and interpreting social cues. Social cues are the form of communication individuals develop and utilize to assess...

Tips for Parents and Teachers to Support Autistic Children in Developing and Maintaining Friendships

Friendships play an important role in the lives of children and teenagers. These relationships help with childhood social and emotional development in many ways, including: managing emotions, responding to the feelings of others, listening, problem solving, navigating conflicts, sharing and...

Planning a Summer Vacation: Travel Tips for Families of Children With Disabilities

Summer travel season is well underway. While traveling with children can be both fun and exhausting, if you are a parent or caregiver of a child with disabilities, even more planning may be required to have a safe and successful trip. This summer, I decided to take my daughter Annie on her first...

Addressing a National Shortage of Autism Specialists

I remember the day as if it was yesterday – Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003. It was my birthday, and I had just met with my 21-month-old daughter’s pediatrician to discuss her “global developmental delays.” In the most caring way, he told us, “You will need to see a developmental-behavioral...

Why I Made the Difficult Decision to Not Have Children

In the last year, I have accomplished a lot. More than I used to think I could do in my life. I made a life decision never to have kids. I underwent a procedure to keep from getting pregnant. I have become a confident woman. I know what I want in my life. My decision is based on childhood...

The Benefits of Training Parents to Use Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence Charts

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder can exhibit many behaviors their families, teachers, and other supporters in their communities find challenging. Likewise, individuals on the spectrum see the world at large as a challenge, and the people in their lives find the challenging behaviors their...

Designing Environments to Reduce Challenging Behaviors

Challenging behaviors - defined as abnormal behaviors that deviate from one’s culture in frequency, intensity, or duration - are common among autistics, and have the potential to cause hardships for the autistic and others (Jang, Healy, & Mannion, 2011; Matson & Minshawi, 2007; Myers...