Perkins School for the Blind Transition Center

Archive for the ‘#ActuallyAutistic Self-Advocates’ Category

Demystifying Autistic Gender

Search online to learn about Autistic gender and you’ll find a range of allistic (nonautistic) articles stating that the link between autism and gender “diversity” and “dysphoria” are “not so clear.” Researchers apparently “do not yet understand why” there’s a strong correlation...

Autism, Masking, and Sense of Self

In a rightly ordered world, the need to mask, or to hide one’s true self in order to "fit in," would not exist. We all deserve to be who we are without being punished for doing so. But the world in which we live is anything but rightly ordered in this respect. A multitude of autistic individuals...

Inside Dell Technologies’ Neurodiversity Hiring Program: An Autistic Cybersecurity Analyst’s Success Story

How can a company's neurodiversity hiring program be evaluated? In part, by listening to its participants’ stories. Alex Sobil, Cybersecurity Analyst at Dell Technologies, is a case in point. His is a success story as inspirational as it is indicative of a truly inclusive...

Autism Without Fear: Reframing Our Conversations About “Sex”

A quick thank you to Autism Spectrum News and Publisher, David Minot. I’ve known David and the publication for almost two decades, wrote for it more than once, and am thrilled to herein move my column, “Autism Without Fear,” with the hopes of many years of collaboration. Now, David also...

An Exploration of Why Autistic Adults Are Practicing Consensual Non-Monogamy

Autistic people are more likely to report difficulty making and sustaining relationships,1-3 leading to assumptions that they aren’t drawn to socializing, but we now know that autistic people desire and benefit from platonic, romantic, and physical relationships to a similar degree as...

The Big Sigh

This is one of those days. I feel it the moment I open my eyes. I instantly loathe that I am awake. I fall into an old habit of calculating how many hours I will have to reasonably be out of my bed before I can crawl back into it without having to feign illness or apologize for not returning a...

Autism and Its Many Comorbidities: Conditions, Deficits, and Challenges

There is a popular and common saying within the autism community that “when you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism.” It becomes clear that this is true when one considers the variety of conditions which occur comorbidly with ASD. Being on the autism spectrum is...

Why So Many Autistic Individuals Have Eating Disorders

Eating disorders have a devastating effect on the lives of those affected and are associated with the highest mortality rates of all mental illnesses. While they can affect anyone, there is a higher incidence of people with autism who have eating disorders compared to the general population....

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Comorbidity: A Systematic Approach to Treatment

Comorbidity refers to the presence of one or more mental or physical conditions that coincide with a primary mental or physical condition (Al-Beltagi, 2021). Research has shown that 70% of autistic children meet the criteria for one comorbid disorder and 40% meet the criteria for two or more...

An Autistic’s Vision for Lasting and Successful Workplace Neurodiversity

Consider Dan Burger, a gifted and autistic computer science student at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. In spite of the challenges he faced along his journey through school and into the workforce, Burger's exceptional abilities at visual problem-solving and dealing with large amounts of data...