Making the Most of the 18-21 Period – Advantages of a Dedicated Transition Center
Early adulthood is a critical period for young adults with ASD and their families. Although students have been preparing for transition for many years, the process takes on new urgency as adulthood is imminent. Families know that much is at stake in shaping the course of students’ futures. The...
I Know the Elements of the Periodic Table, But I Can’t Make My Bed
Increased attention has been recently given to the needs of individuals with disabilities who are transitioning from high school, particularly those individuals with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders because of their unique and specific needs. Many individuals with High-Functioning ASDs...
How to Effectively Advocate for Your Child’s Transition with Your School District
Parents of children diagnosed on the autism spectrum are often concerned about their child’s transition from the structured environment of a school-based program to the post-secondary world and all of the hurdles that transition entails. A student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is the...
Healthy Relationships and Sexuality for All
It has become commonplace to read about or hear stories about issues related to people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Healthcare, education, mental health and social services offer options for children that did not exist years ago. As these children grow up, their needs change. Older...
From Hopeful Graduation to Hopelessness – The Transition That Many Parents Face
Recent updates by Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that 36,500 children out of the 4 million born in the United States will have an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. An individual with ASD will require care and services for up to 50 years, according to CDC, at a cost...
Prognosis? The Sky’s the Limit
When I published my first memoir in January, I expected to receive a fair amount of feedback from readers. I didn’t know what my readers would say, exactly, but I assumed that, for the most part, their responses would be positive. I imagined that people would write to me and offer such opinions...
Comprehensive Transition and Post-Secondary Programs – An Emerging Model for Transitioning Individuals with ASDs to Adulthood
For many higher functioning individuals on the autism spectrum and their families, the road to independence and adulthood can be very puzzling. Although the student may possess the intellectual ability and be “otherwise qualified” to attend college or post-secondary vocational training, their...
Changing the Mindset of Autistic Children and Adolescents
A major focus of our collaboration has been to elaborate upon the concepts of both mindsets and resilience (Brooks and Goldstein, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2012; Goldstein and Brooks, 2005, 2007). We propose that all people possess a set of assumptions about themselves and others that influence their...
Career Planning for People on the Autism Spectrum
As autistic kids graduate from high school and enter adulthood, parents ask, “What’s next?” Some will go to college, others won’t, but many will want to enter the work force. But what kind of work is the individual suited for? Everyone on the spectrum is different. Deciding on a career...
Blueprint for an Asperger Syndrome College Support Program
In that Asperger Syndrome (AS) was first included as a formal diagnosis in the DSM-IV in 1994, it seems likely that many of the children born after that date who were diagnosed with AS have received academic and social services throughout their school years. These services have enabled them to...