Archive for the ‘Summer 2023 Issue’ Category

Mesa, Arizona: Leading the Way as an Inclusive and Accessible Travel Destination

Mesa, Arizona has emerged as a groundbreaking destination, setting new standards for inclusivity and accessibility. With the prestigious title of being the first-ever Autism Certified City in the United States, designated by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education...

Autism, Online Offending, and Victimization

Individuals on the autism spectrum are particularly vulnerable to committing online offenses, in many instances unwittingly. They are also victimized by online predators, financial scams, and extremist groups. Consequently, they are increasingly interacting with the criminal justice system as...

Rights and Challenges for Autistic People with Communication Disabilities in the Legal System

Police should be the last resort.... I shouldn’t have to call the police if my son is having a meltdown. When I get up in the morning, I say, “Thank God he’s not dead,” and “Thank God I’m not dead.” - Kerima Çevik, activist and parent of a nonspeaking autistic son (Sokol,...

The Dangers of Engaging in Child Pornography (and How Education Can Prevent Heartbreak)

You are enjoying your morning cup of coffee and planning your day. Your young adult son with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is online in his room. There’s a forceful knock on the door. You open the door and find Federal Agents on your doorstep. They barge in to arrest your son and the rest is a...

An Autistic Woman’s Success Story: Kaelynn Partlow, Therapist, Dog Trainer, and Star of the Hit Netflix Series “Love on the Spectrum”

Perhaps because of the stigma we are up against and how misunderstood we know we are, many in the autism spectrum community feel as though the entertainment industry has historically mis- and under-represented us. The autistic character of Raymond Babbitt from the popular Oscar-winning movie Rain...

Understanding and Resolving Conflict in Divorce Involving Autistic Children

Divorce is complicated enough, but when there is a child with autism or other disability involved, it takes things to another level. I should know. I unexpectedly faced divorce after 21 years of marriage, and it took incredible amounts of time, money, and emotional energy to get through the...

Autism and the Law: When Trouble Comes Our Way

“I may have the advantage of race and gender. I may be able to stave off a meltdown for a short period. I may try my hardest to comply and be non-threatening, but I’m only ever one misunderstanding or nervous officer away from death. And it may be, in any given encounter, that there’s nothing...

The Importance of Special Needs Trusts for Children with Autism

When my child with ASD and intellectual disability was young, I had no idea what tomorrow would bring, much less what would happen years from now, when I would no longer be there. My son’s behaviors were anxiety-provoking enough without me having to lie awake at night thinking about the future....

Navigating the Legal Rights and Entitlements for Your Student with Autism

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the federal law that governs the education of children with disabilities, including autism. Congress’ purpose in passing IDEA 48 years ago was to open the school doors for children with disabilities and provide them “a free appropriate...

Navigating Legal Challenges in Autism Healthcare: Ensuring Access to Services and Insurance Coverage

Prevalence rates of autism are at an all-time high, and we know that early and intensive treatment produces the optimal outcomes for autistic individuals. According to the CDC, “most children (85%) identified with ASD had concerns about their development noted in the records by 3 years of age.”...