Posts Tagged ‘actually autistic’

What I’d Like to See Change in the Disability World Over the Next 50 Years – Part 3: REAL Culture Change

In 2003, I was about to say “no” to the offer to start what would become GRASP. I had been a minor-league diplomat who, throughout the ten years of working for my organization (if you can believe this…), they had gone through five Executive Directors in one six-year period. Twice, I was...

Cultural Autism Studies at Yale: A Revolution

I have always been sensitive to cultures around me, especially those that remain largely silent or unseen. As a child, I would spend hours watching how crawdads moved together, what dances turtles did when they communicated, and what joy interactive playing brought to jumping spiders - every facet...

Empowering Autistic Communities: The Role of Co-Creation in Research Partnerships

Participatory research is an approach that can empower autistic community members through the co-creation of knowledge, addressing power imbalances, and fostering meaningful collaboration between autistic community members and academic researchers (Stack & McDonald, 2018). By actively involving...

Tips for Autistic Adults Navigating Full-Time Employment

Full-time employment is not something that is usually discussed in autism circles. When I was initially part-time, I had no idea how it looked at. All I knew was that I needed a full-time job to make a living, and it allowed others to pay for larger quality of life investments like homes or getting...

Creating Autism-Friendly Workplaces: Strategies for Inclusivity and Success

Creating autism-friendly environments in workplaces involves implementing strategies that accommodate the unique needs of autistic individuals, fostering inclusivity, and improving overall workplace productivity. Research and expert opinions emphasize the importance of clear communication,...

Navigating Career Pathways: Challenges and Opportunities for Autistic Individuals

It is, indeed, not easy for many people to make sense of the job market, but often, additional obstacles make autistic people’s lives much more challenging. With both finding a job and sustaining it, and at every level of the employment process, we face challenges which, unfortunately, may affect...

Autistic Resilience: Overcoming Adversity Through Self-Care and Strengths

I could say ‘Adversity’ was my middle name, but I’d be lying… it’s Rae. Still, like so many other autistic people, adversity has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. Research has validated that claim by saying autistic people have an increased risk of experiencing...

Supporting Autistic Individuals in Driver Education: A Systematic Approach

Learning to drive is a significant milestone, symbolizing greater independence and autonomy. Driving independently offers freedom, builds confidence, and encourages self-reliance, empowering individuals to make their own decisions (Cheak-Zamora, Tait, & Coleman, 2022). Additionally, independent...

A Simple Guide to Wealth Building for Autistic Folks

I realize it might seem odd that a therapist is writing an article about money, but I’ll have you know finance has been one of my autistic special interests for over ten years. Over the years, I’ve read and listened to countless books and podcast episodes on finances. I would never preach one...

Navigating the Later Stages of Life with Autism and Aging

Something that we as a community have yet to fully turn our attention to is the question of “how do we help our autistic elders thrive and live in dignity as they age?” As a late-diagnosed autistic woman, I am a pretty good example of what growing up and growing old without any...