Posts Tagged ‘supports’

The Role of Mental Health Support in Autism Care: Breaking Free of the Patterns of This World

As a mental health professional, I have had the incredible privilege of counseling individuals with Autism for over a decade. I have had the opportunity to witness and be a part of the beautiful journey that occurs when someone who received a diagnostic label of Autism Spectrum Disorder learns to...

Living and Aging Independently on the Autism Spectrum: An Inside View

Having been diagnosed late in life at the age of 44, I lived for the better part of my life on the autism spectrum without myself or anyone else being aware of it. During the time in which I finally knew about this, I was already an older adult and, most recently, a senior citizen. Unlike so many...

Tools for Growth: Facilitating Community Living Skills Opportunities in Preparation for Independent Living

Graduating high school, going to college, finding an apartment, landing that first job, getting married - these are all exciting milestones associated with the transition from high school to independent living. For adolescents with autism, formal planning for this transition begins at age 14 with...

Housing and Supports: Parents are Vital to Positive Post-Secondary Outcomes

Keeley is a 23-year-old college graduate who was diagnosed with autism at age 8. To all those acquainted with her, Keeley appears to navigate the community and manage her life independently. Despite her independence, Keeley experiences much of her day with communication breakdowns between herself...

Accessory Dwelling Units Offer More Housing Options and Keep Loved Ones with Disabilities Close to Home

Moving out of a family home is often one of the biggest decisions in a young person’s life, representing a turn towards independence and a chance to create their own space in the world. While this is a big step for any individual, it can be especially challenging for individuals with...

The Unique Interpersonal Demands for Women with ASD: Implications for Gender-Specific Supports for Adults

Over the past several years, there has been increased interest in gender differences within autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and how these differences impact initial diagnosis as well as treatment across the lifespan. According to recent research conducted by Kreiser and White (2014), females...

Executive Functioning Enhancement for High School Students with ASD

Educators have made great strides in integrating students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) into general education over the past several decades; however, at the secondary school level, these students still often experience serious difficulties. A major obstacle to success for adolescents on the...

Finding the Best Fit: Exploring College and Vocational Options

In the last twenty years the growing awareness of autism, the reconceptualization of autism as a spectrum of characteristics, and improved diagnostic techniques have contributed to the increased demand for specialized educational programs in elementary, secondary, and post-secondary educational...

Sensory Scanning for Self-Advocacy

Many individuals with autism, like myself, have challenges with the sensory world. Sometimes these challenges are difficult for us to identify, and quite often it’s even harder for those around us to see or understand them. Our senses provide our brains with information about the environment,...

Supporting Students on the Autism Spectrum in Higher Education

The continuing rise in prevalence of autism, now at 1 in 88 (Center for Disease Control, 2012), has engendered greater awareness of the condition, followed by increased research, and improved interventions and strategies for individuals with Asperger Syndrome (AS) and High Functioning Autism (HFA)....