Posts Tagged ‘healthcare’

International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement Launches the First-Ever Global Standard Set to Enhance Care For Autism Spectrum Disorder

On September 7, 2021, the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) launched a standardized Autism Spectrum Disorder Standard Set (ASDSS). The rollout of this set marks an important, proactive step towards promoting data quality and availability across the industry. The ASDSS...

Community Living in the Era of COVID-19

As we cope with the disruption of this pandemic, many of us are wondering what our new normal will look like on the other side. Before COVID-19, many people with disabilities went to day programs or had individualized 1:1 staff supporting them at work or in activities in the community. Now, because...

Understanding and Mitigating Challenges Faced by the Healthcare System when Treating Children with ASD and Problem Behavior

Meeting the healthcare needs of the heterogeneous population of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) poses a unique set of difficulties for an already burdened healthcare system during a pandemic such as the current COVID-19 crisis. Children with ASD experience the same childhood illnesses...

Older Adults on the Spectrum Face a Variety and Number of Major Challenges

In spite of being fortunate enough to have avoided many of the challenges presented by aging on the autism spectrum, I nevertheless feel that I am in a position to write about these as an older adult on the spectrum who recently became a senior citizen. I was already a middle-aged adult (age 44) at...

Advancing Behavioral Health Strategies as Individuals Approach Adulthood

Individuals connected to the behavioral healthcare system are well aware that autism does not magically disappear on a teenager’s 18th birthday. Yet, the challenges facing people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) shift considerably as they make the transition to adulthood....

Integrated Healthcare and Autism Spectrum Disorders

For families with a loved one diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), navigating the health care system and accessing services can be a significant challenge. In fact, a 2009-2010 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs examining the relationship between a child’s...

Advancing Care for the Developmentally Disabled with Population Health Management

In the wake of the Affordable Care Act, the pace of technological transformation on the patient management side of the healthcare industry has evolved rapidly, reflecting both regulatory shifts and technological advances. Population health management (PHM) represents one potent example. A few years...

Health Care Directives: A Safeguard and a Support

It is essential for all adults to execute advance planning documents, especially those adults on the autism spectrum who have the capacity to do so. Chief among these estate planning documents is the health care directive. Often, parents make all health care decisions for their child for the first...