Active Listening and Multimodal Communication: Strategies for Understanding and Supporting Unique Needs

You’re going through your workday, and suddenly, the bottom of your foot starts to ache. You stop, untie your shoe, and take it off to see what’s happening. Relief washes over you when your supervisor appears because help has arrived! You start to peel your sock back to show them where you’re...

Strategies for Autistic Adults to Achieve Greater Independence and Well-Being

The transition from childhood to adulthood can be a scary and difficult life experience for most people. It can be even more challenging for those diagnosed with autism and their families. This phase of life brings a blend of excitement and uncertainty, and the road to achieving greater...

Reducing Staff Turnover Among Autism Service Providers

Autism service providers have the unique challenge of helping the individuals they work with achieve meaningful and sometimes life-changing outcomes while managing their own mental and physical exhaustion. The burnout rate among Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs) and Board Certified Behavior...

Considerations to Accessing ABA Therapy Through Insurance

There are many services that can be beneficial for you to explore for your autistic child, including speech therapy, occupational therapy, and applied behavior analysis (ABA), and consulting with your child’s primary care physician or school team for recommendations on services is an important...

Supporting Students’ Self-Regulation Needs: An Occupational Therapy Perspective

Self-Regulation is an individual’s ability to process and manage behavioral and emotional reactions to what is happening in their immediate environment. Throughout the day, a child’s nervous system is constantly attempting to process the sensory components of opportunities presented to them....

Parent Involvement as a Metric of Quality Care

A family-centered approach has been considered best practice for many years in early intervention and pediatric rehabilitation (Bailey, Buysse, Edmondson, 1992; Baird & Peterson, 1997). For students with complex medical, physical, developmental, and behavioral challenges, a family-centered...

The Power and Potential of the IEP

To address the inequity of limiting special needs children from obtaining an appropriate public education, the Individualized Education Program (IEP) was implemented in 1975 across the United States school systems. The IEP is an educational road map for children with disabilities. It is required by...

Engaging and Supporting Parents of Children Recently Diagnosed with Autism

No parent wants to learn that their child is autistic. Hopes and dreams for a neurotypical child are mostly abandoned and replaced by fear, uncertainty and, often, despair. Thus, effective professional intervention must begin with active listening to grasp the parent perspective on their child’s...

Providing Primary Behavior Health Care Services to Autistic Clients: Is This an Exception or the New Rule for ABA Organizations?

It is well known, but not fully appreciated, that an ASD diagnosis triggers a tsunami of emotions within the family of the autistic individual. Many established ABA provider groups have realized that the needs of parents and siblings of ASD individuals should be tended to via an interdisciplinary...

An Interdisciplinary Model for Supporting Children with Autism and Their Families

An autistic child’s family is structured no different than that of neurotypical children. Families generally include parents and siblings with their own perspectives and issues. In the wake of substantial empirical support for the effectiveness of applied behavior analysis (ABA) interventions for...