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Evidence-Based Reading Intervention Practices for Students with ASD

For more information, please email References Annie E. Casey Foundation. (2014, January 28). Low reading scores show majority of U.S. children not prepared for future success. [Web log comment]….

Reducing Behavior Difficulties to Help Children with Autism Learn and Grow

…during the intervention, the more successful the child and caretakers will be. For more information on this topic feel free to contact Adrienne Robek at or go to….

Assessing If a Diagnosis is Necessary: Clinical Utility of an Autism Diagnosis Across the Lifespan

real utility for learners with ASD, at all ages. A specific diagnosis opens the door to specialized services that are designed for learners with that particular designation. For example, a…

ASD and the Local School District: How Parents Can Best Advocate for an Appropriate School Setting

…school the child will be assigned to. This is particularly troubling when it comes to students with ASD, whose needs can be very complex. Sometimes the program and the placement…

Autism Saved My Life

…information and to follow Becca please visit, and This article is reprinted with permission. You may view the original article, published on April 20, 2017, at….

Autism After 65 – Making the Most of the Golden Years

…Elder Care Indiana Long Term Care Insurance Program: AARP: National Institute on Aging: National Council on Aging: American Society on Aging: Administration on Aging:…

Guidelines for Parents on Addressing the Needs of Siblings

…who share a common understanding while also having opportunities for fun. Siblings need to learn strategies for dealing with questions and comments from peers and others in the community. Parents…

Digital Resources for Students with Autism

…and communication, making for more integrated classrooms and innovative therapies that help these students learn. Take a look at our comprehensive list of digital resources for students with autism: Assistive…

An Overview of Strategies to Address Food Selectivity and Refusal in Individuals with Autism

Feeding difficulties are common in typically developing children (2-35%), and are even more common in children with developmental problems (33-80%; Babbitt, Hoch, & Coe, 1994; Burklow, Phelps, et al, 1998)….

Support that Really Works – LifeMAP Coaching for Adults with Asperger Syndrome

…but things are looking better now. For the first time in her life, Toni has found support that really works. Nomi Kaim Toni has late-diagnosed Asperger Syndrome (AS), and she…