Painful Conversations: Unconscious Neurodiversity Bias in Higher Education
NOTE: This article is an adaptation of a lecture given at Northeastern University on August 9, 2024. For the full, hour-long video of the presentation, please click here. A shorter version was co-hosted by Vanderbilt University and UCONN on December 13. When I was researching my last book (The...
Supporting Autistic Adults: Am I College Ready?
Am I college ready? Such a question drew the attention of high school senior students in college readiness sessions at AHRC New York City’s Middle/High School. College readiness encompasses academic, social, and emotional learning support for students with autism and intellectual disabilities to...
Autistic Lived Experience: Unable to Be There for a Friend in Need
In hindsight, I view my sophomore year of college as being the most challenging year of my life. Up until then, I was living in the sweet bliss of unawareness. I had no concept of how compromised my self-esteem was or what self-esteem even meant, and I had a flawed sense of how my words and actions...
Strategies for Navigating College for Students with Autism
College is a transformative period in a young adult's life, offering a platform for growth, self-discovery, and academic achievement. However, for students on the autism spectrum, navigating the challenges of college life can be particularly overwhelming. College students with autism spectrum...
Considerations for Choosing a College for Students on the Autism Spectrum
Choosing a college requires careful planning. This planning often starts in a student’s freshman year of high school, but usually not later than their sophomore year. When a student is on the autism spectrum, transition planning is a high priority, indeed it is required by law. The Individuals...
Finding the Right College for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 44 children in the United States is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) by age 8 (Maenner, Shaw, Bakian, et. al.), but as these students progress through their academic career, it is known that they are less likely to go...
Supporting the College-Bound Autistic Student: A Need for Better Transition Planning
For autistic individuals, success in college lies in an effective transition plan that acknowledges and addresses the increased challenges they will face as college students. According to a national study, 34% of autistic students who qualified for a post-secondary education program attended such a...
The Benefits of Postsecondary Transition Programs for Young Adults with Autism
Despite the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ensuring every learner with a disability a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) and The No Child Left Behind Act holding schools accountable for their students' academic achievement based on how they learn (The National Center...
Assessing Readiness for Transition to College and College Support Services
High school students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), without intellectual or language impairment (ASD-WoILI), are attending college at rates higher than previously reported, but research indicates they may not be receiving the services they need (Kuder & Accardo, 2017). While federal and...
Advice for Parents with Children Entering Post-Secondary Education
The transition from high school to post-secondary education can be overwhelming. There are several different pathways to success for your loved one, including a specialized post-secondary experience for non-degree seeking students to provide them with a college campus experience, programs that...