Posts Tagged ‘communication’

New Therapeutic Puppet Aids in Tele-Delivered Autism Therapy

A talking blue stuffed toy is not what comes to mind when most people think of an autism therapist. However, as therapy has found itself transformed in the last several years with the pandemic and rise of telehealth options, a therapist now can come in all shapes and sizes - including, in...

The Power of Sensory Integration: Enhancing Communication for Non-Speaking Individuals

Communication is complex and extends beyond verbal expression. This is especially important to understand in non-speaking individuals. Non-verbal cues such as facial expression, body language, and sensory experiences play crucial roles in conveying and understanding messages. Sensory integration...

Anderson Family Partners: Extended Family, Redefined

For Colleen Contreni, Family Liaison at Anderson Center for Autism, the concept of ‘extended family’ has long inspired her work. “I have always been a very family-oriented person, and this role at Anderson is a reminder that by cultivating a spirit of kinship among parents, caregivers, and...

An Autistic’s Vision for Neurodiversity-Affirming Therapy

As a neurodiversity community self-advocate, I have come across far too many stories of emotional distress and trauma in connection with neurodivergent individuals' lived behavioral therapy experiences. I understand where they're coming from and I empathize. As a late-identified autistic, I, like...

Teamwork: Building A Successful Neurodivergent-Neurotypical Marriage

As I sit down to write this, my husband and I just celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary. We met through a mutual friend - an ex-boyfriend of mine. Joseph and I had gone our separate ways a few months before I received a phone call from “Caper” (his chosen “call sign”). I was surprised by...

A How-To Guide to Emotional Support for Neurodiverse Couples

In my neurodiverse couples therapy practice in New York City, many central themes are addressed including communication, intimacy, sex, and parenting. However, one of the most consistent themes brought up by neurotypical partners is feeling a lack of emotional support in their relationship. Their...

Leveraging Smart Technology to Enhance Independence for Autistic Individuals

Independent living for autistic individuals requires a complex set of tasks and increased responsibility for caregivers, who often support independence remotely. Considering how technology can complement this task is crucial to maximizing available resources and enhancing the lives of those...

Rights and Challenges for Autistic People with Communication Disabilities in the Legal System

Police should be the last resort.... I shouldn’t have to call the police if my son is having a meltdown. When I get up in the morning, I say, “Thank God he’s not dead,” and “Thank God I’m not dead.” - Kerima Çevik, activist and parent of a nonspeaking autistic son (Sokol,...

Understanding and Resolving Conflict in Divorce Involving Autistic Children

Divorce is complicated enough, but when there is a child with autism or other disability involved, it takes things to another level. I should know. I unexpectedly faced divorce after 21 years of marriage, and it took incredible amounts of time, money, and emotional energy to get through the...

Enhancing Communication and Accessibility: Assistive Technology for Individuals with Autism

What do a wheelchair, closed captioning on a television screen, and a visual schedule all have in common? They are part of an extensive list of products or services that enable those with disabilities to access activities of daily living. Like a wheelchair, assistive technology can provide...